Ode to El Brown

Like I've stated before, It's very hard for me to remember exactly how I become such good friends with those I consider my best.
Lindsay Brown. Where do I begin?
I started working as a cashier at Rocky's Pizza in Athens, GA. (This was during college, of course.) I have no recollection of the exact year. I want to say that it was 1996. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
I worked with several catty college girls. Most were too cool for school. Brownie was never like that. She was always friendly and witty to boot.
I can't remember the details, but I know our becoming friends had something to do with these two things: me offering El Brown the use of my car for a few hours and a brown bag of hair gel that I jokingly referred to as her "mustache cream". How am I doing Brownie?
Needless to say, we hit it off as pals. And wouldn't you know it? The opportunity for us to become roommates presented itself after I kicked out a live-in boyfriend of 2 years.
Thus began the "I-don't-know-how-we-didn't-die-of-alcohol-poisoning-years". Ongoing humor, frosty beverages, townie boys, waitressing and the love of Scrabble kept us together back then. Mostly I remember the humor.

Going through my journal and belongings from those times, I can't believe I don't have more photos of Brownie. I can't find a single one that we are in together. It's hard to rely on just memory. Photos make it so much easier.
Some of my favorite memories include: Sitting on the front porch at our 'party', twiddling our thumbs and wondering where all the people were, when a few short hours later, we had about 100 people in our house, watching the Shawshank Redemtion VHS at least 3 times a day (whenever we sat down to eat) because we had no TV reception, sharing the mirror in order to primp before hitting the town, working the suckiest waitressing job evah, kitty factory, endless conversations about boyfriends and relationships, shifty tits and all those other Berg phrases, hang-over Scrabble, Win, Lose or Draw on bar naps with your sister at The Yacht Club, and so so many more that I need to stop now before I bore everyone else to death.
Uh, jump to the future: I have been digging deep for the past couple of hours and have come up with these:

Ah, memory lane. It's all flooding back. Anything for a laugh. Good times. Good times.
Anyway, Linsay is sharp as a tack. I have been trying to get her to write professionally for quite some time. And by quite some time, I mean YEARS. If she would just write a book...
At least she's taken a big step. And she might kill me for giving her a shout out like this, but she's started a blog! YAY! Go visit her at Spirit of 75. It will be a daily hit for me.
I swear to this day, that Lindsay and her sister Brooks, are the reason my baby came on her due date. The Brown Sistahs came from Bama for a visit two nights before Audrey was born. We laughed so hard. One word: Rebarb. I believe it was all that laughter that jostled Audrey down the birth canal.
Brownie, have I told you how much I love you?