Growing...but not fast enough.
Not her. Her hair!
I was on the phone with El Brown last night. She was on the computer looking at the latest pictures of Punky. She asked, "Did you cut her bangs?"
The sides of hair are growing at a much faster rate than the top. I swear. (Forgive me Audrey) On most days, her hair resembles that of a clown's.
Grow hair. Grow.
Today, at school, I parked my cart outside of the library so that I could check my email. (I don't have a computer, so this is where I use it.) I was on the computer when a teacher poked her head in the media center and ask the librarian, "Are these free Sharpies out here?"
Wha? Are you insane?
The librarian, one of my few pals, looked over at me and said, "I think they're the art teachers."
The other teacher had already made it down the hallway before I had a chance to get out the door. Yeah. Free sharpies. Idiot. You best scoot your boot down that hallway before I come tell you how stupid you are.
I looked at my friend, the librarian, and said, "I guess I should move my cart inside sos teachers won't be stealin' my markers!"
"I guess so!" she said.
I should take a picture of my cart so you guys can fully understand. There is no mistaking the art teacher's cart.
You touch my Sharpies....I kill you.