Sunday, September 03, 2006

Well on our way to full sentences...

pulling hair is fun when you have none, right audrey?
I'm so thankful that she's not sick.
I had to stay home with her on Friday because she had a temperature of 103! My guess was right. It was due to some more teeth coming in. She's been miserable most of the weekend. I think the worst of it is over....for now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed so that I won't have to miss another day of work for a good while.

This morning, I awoke to Tim saying, "Tell Momma what we learned this morning, Audrey Rose." He promted her and she said, "Eggs!" Now, that may not be the prettiest of words, but it sounds so cute coming out of her mouth. Besides, eggs are one of her favorite foods. Now Tim has given her the ability to request them EVERY SINGLE MORNING! Yay! I'll be slaving over the stove. I can see it now:
"Oatmeal Audrey?"
"Eggs! Eggs! Eggs!"
"Damn it."
"Damn it! Eggs! Eggs Mama! Eggs!"

I absolutely love this 'I-can-say-anything-you-ask-me-to' phase. The other day, I was having her repeat after me. She was so deligently repeating every word: kitty, toast, school, etc. So, I thought I'd give her a hard one.
"Can you say Popadopolus?"
"Maw da puh puh."
Close enough for me. She's a genius!

Oh, and I swear she asked for 'medicine' today. She's not even 2 and she's practically self-medicating. Can my child be addicted to orange-flavored ibuprofen?


Blogger jen said...

Glad the little gal is feeling better... E had a fever this weekend due to teething too. That's so cool that she is talking so much- can't wait to hear it!

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude...both of my kids LOVE the bubblegum flavored ibuprofen. My 14 month old gulps it down and fusses for more. Crazy.

I can't wait for P to start saying more words. He was saying a few and totally regressed back to dadadadadada.

Yay to Audrey and her "eggs"!

12:35 AM  

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