Well, we did have breakfast first, but I wasn't awake enough to pull the camera out just then.
Tim had no idea I was taking his picture. I guess he's a little too scared to let me near his head after
the last haircut. So, he'd rather take his chances by removing his glasses (he is so blind) and watching his reflection in a double-paned window (which makes me look skinnier) than letting me have a crack at it. He let me trim up the sides though, so that's something.
The day only got better from there. My mom called me while the girls were napping and asked if we wanted to come play. Play? Of course we want to play! We suggested going to the Chattahoochee Nature Center. (I hadn't been since middle school.) Things really change in ten years time.
Anyway, we all hopped in the car and headed out to the burbs.
It was a little bit of a strange ride because for some reason, Tim and I were a tiny bit emotional. I guess we're just so grateful these days. We've been talking about our relationship a bit and communicating. You know, communicating, that word that every marriage is based on? Sometimes we forget to do that. Not that our relationship is bad... (isn't this taboo to blog about?) I'm giving you the wrong idea. Maybe I should just stop. We're on the same page, everything is clicking, the planets are aligned in our favor- it was emotional in a good way. Plus, the music selection coincided with our thoughts. It was like our own little movie soundtrack.
Everything was absolutely perfect until I realized:
I'd left my purse at home.
It wasn't that big of a deal. I just couldn't believe I'd walked out of the house without it. (I'm really losing brain cells at an alarming rate these days.)
It didn't hit me that I'd left it behind until we were in the parking lot of the Nature Center. Thanks mom, for paying our way. I'll getcha back. I really wasn't trying to get free admission. Promise.
The girls really dug being outside and hanging out with their Mamaw. Audrey led the way and wanted to look at
everything and ask a million questions. Harper followed close behind and did everything that Audrey did. I think they liked the owls the best. Although, the dead rat that was lying on the ground in the vultures' cage was quite the conversation piece. The snake, however, was not a favorite. Harper wouldn't go near it. She didn't take her eye off of it but she kept shaking her head, "No, no, no." It was cute.
I don't know if I've mentioned this before or not, but Harper?, she's really fast. I was on-edge watching her almost fall, and once... she did. She was running so fast down the sidewalk that she ran right off the side, onto her back and into a small ditch. We didn't know the extent of her injury until we got home and changed her into her jammies. I did hear the back of her head hit the concrete though. So did my mom. She held her own investigation once the little one stopped for a millisecond. I'm telling you: This kid is going to give me a heart attack. She's fearless.
This wasn't her first big injury. Friday, her daycare supervisor called with the news that she ran into the corner of a table. I was told that, "... it wasn't that bad. It might get black and blue but at least it's not deep."
It's only a matter of time before we make our trip to the ER. She's really starting to try my blood pressure. I'm really thinking about investing in that toddler leash.
Once she checked out okay (and stopped crying) we kept on. We decided to take-on a short trail around the lake. I was terrified that Tottie would just take off and run right into the water. Luckily, she didn't.
It was so great to be outside with the sun beating down on us.
We all needed some fresh air.
We wrapped up the excursion with Audrey sticking herself on a yucca plant. (Damn, those things are sharp.) She was screaming bloody murder and out walks this guy from a nearby building. He asks, "Do you need some iodine or something? We're holding a first aid class in there..." I look to where his head is nodding and am greeted by several annoyed faces wondering what the hell all the commotion is about. We politely decline and move on.
Afterward, we swung by my parents' house and picked up my dad for dinner. We ate someplace new. We never do that. And guess what? I tried a beet for the first time in my life.
I hated it.
But, isn't it great to at least
try new things?