Right now, for me, it's all about finding distractions.
Instead of playing online Scrabble or having facebook pity parties with pals miles away, I decided to take some pictures tonight. (My dad will enjoy that childhood reference.) Anyway, I guess I'm trying to slowly get back into the blog thing because, well, I miss it. Besides, Harper will be mad if Audrey is the only one with funny stories.
Tonight, while watching Shrek for the thousandth time, Harper waltzes out into the living room in her prettiest princess dress. It was a sight, but only because she had strategically pulled down the front of the dress to reveal her baby boobies (as we like to call them). She asked, very royally, "Muhthuh, How do I look?" I took her in for a moment and said smugly, "Pull up your dress."
She didn't even look at me, but held her gaze straight forward and repeated, "I asked you: Muthuh, How do I look?"
I buckled and softly said, "You look very pretty."
"Well, then. I look pretty. So, I don't have to pull up my dress." She turned and walked away demonstrating just as much attitude with her tiny staccato steps.
Shortly after the movie, we took a bath: