Slowing it Down
After three of the busiest months of my life, I am finally taking time to breathe again. And guess what that means? More pictures of MY kids and MY family!
I joke, but I think they're happy to have me back after such a long stint. I think that because there were no complaints about me toting my camera around yesterday. No shying away. Lots of smiling on command. In fact, Audrey even set up her own shots. She's a pretty good creative director. It was great.
I missed taking pictures of my girls.
They are the two busiest girls in the world. They never stop talking, moving, making or messing. They can literally tear the house apart in a matter of minutes. I swear. Case in point: This past weekend, Tim and I started cleaning the house after taking down the tree. We cleaned the living room and moved on into the kitchen. By the time the kitchen was spic and span, we walked back into the living room... it was trashed! Trashed!
I don't really have anything important or profound to say. I'm just glad to be adopting a slower, more relaxed pace.