Sunday, March 30, 2008

Everything's Back to Normal

It's amazing what kids will do for candy.
My kid is so funny. I mean, really.
She wore her bathing suit all day Saturday.
Today, she wore her ballerina outfit all morning and then put this dress on (backwards).
She calls granola bars vanilla bars.
She won't go to bed unless she has 352 stuffed animals surrounding her.
She arranged her princess figurines in a perfect line on her play table. She said they were waiting in line for food.
She's started making up her own songs. She sings about mommy's belly and her shoes.
She tells me what she's going to do, for example, have a picnic with strawberries and blueberries, and that I should take a picture of her. "That would be a good idea", she says.
She'd run around naked all day if we'd let her.
Oh, and she loves to take showers by herself (Don't worry. I stay in the bathroom with her.)
And at night, she likes to trick me to come into her room by saying, "Mommy! I have to tell you something." When I go in to find out what she is dying to tell me, it's usually something like, "Ursula has 8 legs, Mom."(The evil octopus from Little Mermaid) or "Tomorrow, for a snack I want some jelly beans."
Yes, I've been giving in. Movies, candy, naked house parties. She'll only be a toddler once. And, she'll only be an only for 2 more months.

However, some people never grow up:
Corny, I know.


Blogger OhTheJoys said...

That last picture is kind of corny.

[Oh, I KILL myself!!]

10:56 PM  
Blogger Cara said...

Looks like you are going to have 3 kids on your hands soon.

9:04 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

i love you guys! i was just feeling wicked crappy, and you made me feel so much better - thanks!

9:24 PM  

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