Friday, January 25, 2008

Emergency Bathroom Rescue.

Bathroom Rescue!
So, I nearly lost my shit tonight.
We had just gotten home from hanging out with our awesome neighbors. Audrey put a diaper on and headed to the bathroom to do her thing. (We make her sit on the potty with the diaper on. At least we're getting closer to being completely trained.) Anyway, everything was normal until I hear a muffled Audrey shouting for Mama.
She's not allowed to close the door (for several reasons). Yes, it was closed when I turned the corner. I went to open it. Yes, it was locked.
I didn't freak out at first. Actually, Tim and I were laughing about it until Audrey so stubbornly refused to unlock the door. We both know she's capable. So, after several minutes of coaxing her to "turn the little silver thing under the doorknob" Tim tries to unscrew all the hardware. I knew there was nothing under there. I knew the hole wouldn't be big enough to work with.
THAT'S when I started to freak out.
Audrey also began to get frustrated, having a soiled diaper to boot.
She kept sticking her part of the doorknob back through the hole and trying to turn it.

Luckily, Tim didn't waste any time. He went outside with his trusty drill and drilled up through the window latch. (Smart thinkin'!) He managed to shatter only one of four votives that were resting on the ledge. He climbed through and unlocked the door.

Just in time, too, I was about to start karate kicking at it. Hi-Yah!


Blogger Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Found you on flickr. You are fricking hilarious.

Love it all. The pancakes, snow white, the poop crisis.


4:20 PM  

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