Friday, January 18, 2008

Before I begin, I must tell you what happened to spark this conversation. Audrey has several animals (stuffed). She likes to bring them to our bed in the morning so that they can go into the cave with her (she pulls up the covers on all of us in the morning). Anyway, one of her animals is Turtle.
After cave fun, we eventually get up and get ready for school/work. Before going out the door Audrey is always told, "Make sure you put your animals up in your room. You don't want Byrdie or Lincoln to eat them, do you?"
Well, somehow Turtle was left in the cave this morning. Turtle was eaten. He had a large chunk taken out of his shell.

So, again with a bedtime chat:

I say, "I sure am sorry that Turtle was eaten today."
"Can't you fix him, Mommy?"
"I'm afraid not, Honey."
"You can. You can use your glue and your drill."

(She sees us 'fixing' things all the time with tools.)

"I'm afraid that hole is too big. Glue and a drill won't be able to fix that, Sweetheart."
"When you're older you can fix it, Mommy. When you get older you can."
"Yeah. When I get older, I can."

Turtle's been with us for quite a while. Maybe I'll try to patch him up...


Blogger tubesy said...

Aww..."when you get older." I hope I get to meet your super cool kids some day!

I don't know if I told you how nice it was to meet YOU...I'm really looking forward to hanging out again in May!

And my computer was actin' up the other night, but I wanted to tell you how happy I am for you about the good Baby News!

10:51 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Angela-
I have a question about one of your older blogs.. where do I find your email address? Thanks.

1:32 PM  
Blogger Beck said...

Oh poor turtle... May he rest in piece. A dremel may be able to help fix him...

3:05 PM  
Blogger Brooks Brown said...

Poor little shelled critter! Why don't you just do what any southerner would do in such a crisis? Duck tape it!

6:52 PM  
Blogger angela said...

hi tubesy!

kristen- email me at

i'll let you handle the dremel. no one can work one like you!

brooks- duct tape. brilliant. now, why didn't i think of that?

9:40 PM  
Blogger Lori said...

What a sweet conversation. It's so sad when one of their favorites gets broken or damaged and we can't fix it. The first step in realizing mommy and daddy can't do everything. Sigh.

9:06 PM  

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