Tuesday, June 06, 2006

6pm on 6.6.6.

At 6 o' clock this evening, the day of the devil, YOU should have been in my driveway to hand me THE IDIOT OF THE YEAR AWARD. You should have thrust it in my face right after witnessing me slam into Tim's truck while backing out of the driveway. Yep. This is three days after Tim almost traded it in for a mini van, one day after I gave Tim a bunch of shit for being a horrible driver, and hours after Suzanne complimented me on how clean and nice I keep my car.
I still can't fucking believe it.
The only thing that stopped me from completely demolishing his truck was hearing him yell, "AN-GEL-LAAAAA!" Stop for that horrendous crunching sound? Hell no.
I immediately pulled back up to my original location, jumped out of the car, looked at the truck and well, the rest looked pretty much like a short stop missing a routine grounder only to let the winning run score. I walked towards the garage with my back to the mess, clutched my head (and hair) in both hands, hunched over and screamed, "Jesus F****** Chr*st!!!" (I'm sure the Devil found this highly entertaining.) With my hand on my knees, a tear-streaked face and a crushed ego, (let's not forget the two crushed cars), Tim says gingerly, "Well, get back in the car and let's go eat."
"What? I just smashed your truck!" It came out sounding more like, "Wh huh huh huh at? I juuu hu hu hu huh st smashshushed your truuuuck!"
"No sense in crying over spilt milk." "Come on. Let's go."
I can't believe I got back in the driver's seat, but I did.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Angela. I can not believe how crappily your day ended. Oh, Angela. I wish I had some magic-feel-better words, but I have none. All I can say is that you are one of the best people I know for getting back in that driver's seat. What a metaphor for life. You have to love Tim.


9:38 PM  
Blogger Brooks Brown said...

Your story reminds me of when I flew out of our driveway in a car I had only had for a few weeks, smashed into the retaining wall, thought I had hit the bumper, got out of the car relieved to see the bumper undamaged, got to work, got out of the car to see the back right side smashed in. The estimate was over $1000 since the dent is such a weird place so the dent stays.

Maybe the devil doesn't want you to get a minivan.

11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to disagree...I think the devil wants EVERYONE to have a mini-van!

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I'm so sorry about your vehicles. It's odd that you used the shortstop methaphor. On Sunday, I was playing third base in softball practice. Unlike everyone ever, I have been diving for balls. Someone hit a grounder that was skipping past me, so I dove like a fool and landed on my left shoulder. I can't raise my arm anymore, and the dr. thinks I may have a torn rotator cuff. Foolish me.

Tim's a star in my book. He has tremendous composure. Don't be too hard on yourself, Angela.

1:09 PM  
Blogger jen said...

Totally sounds like something I would do. Actually reminds me of when I was driving Bill's car once and backed into something and he had pretty much the same reaction as Tim- I got back in and drove too. I love it when you share stories that remind me that I'm not the only one that does stuff like that- and that we both have wonderful husbands!

10:29 AM  
Blogger angela said...

well, good news. seems like the damage isn't all that bad. we just need to go get them buffed out. the truck's rubber door guard saved us a ton of money.
greg! i hope your shoulder is okay! that must be very painful.
it's still undecided as to whether or not we're getting a minivan. ugh.

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi angela,

I'm writing from Open Source, a public radio show based in Boston and distributed around the country. We'd like to put some of your blog prose on the radio.

Last year we started what we hope will be a yearly tradition for us called "Blogsday." Based loosely on Bloomsday, which celebrates "Ulysses" as an evocation of the whole world in a single day (in Joyce's case, June 16, 1904), the idea is create a mosaic portrait of our country out of excerpts from blog posts written on the same day. (In our case this past Tuesday, June 6th.) You can find more information here:


After assembling this year's excerpts we bring in two accomplished and agile actors to read them. I'm writing now because your post "6pm on 6.6.6" caught our eye and we're interested in using it on the show, which will air live on Thursday night from 7-8pm EST. Though the is almost tragic, it would read perfectly on the radio and make the rest of the world realize how good their own sad little lives are. [We are truly sorry about your craptastic day though]

We can't pay anything -- this is public radio after all -- but we can guarantee a respectful treatment, a national radio audience, and a link on our blog.

A quick reply would be very appreciated. We're currently knee-deep in our favorite posts for Thursday's show, and would like to know as soon as possible which ones will be available.

Best regards,
Colin Baker

2:17 PM  

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