Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A year in the life of Audrey Rose

One Year of Audrey
(Click on photo for better image)
12 month stats:
Weight- 25lbs(95th percentile) Height- 32" (off the charts!)

My favorite thing about you is: The way you walk. The way you talk. The giggles. The shiver face. The way you ask to be held (by holding your arms up and giving me pout face). The way you get excited when I'm making food and say, "MMMMMMMM!" The way you dance (by just moving your butt up and down). And so many more.
The most frustrating thing about parenting is: Working an 8 hour day (at first I typed 89 hour day..yeah that's more like it) and trying to be energetic and playful for you when I get home. I HATE HATE HATE it that I have to work.
What I'm most looking forward to is: Your first full sentence. I wonder what it will be. I think it will be something like, "Ma Ma you Dog Thank You."
Words that you can say: Hi!, Da-Da, Ma-Ma, Dog, Car, Bye-Bye, Bah-Bah (bottle), Thank you (sounds more like Tu Tu), Papaw, Uh-Oh!, Mmmmmm!
The biggest relief would be: If you'd learn how to get DOWN the stairs safely. There have been two times that you have bolted out of your room and headed straight for those stairs. I was lucky enough to catch you just before you lifted your foot inches away from the deadly drop. Also, even bigger than that, I would be thrilled if you would get over your ear infections. You've had 8 shots in the past 4 days. I'm scared the doctors are going to suggest that you have an operation.
Some of the funny things you've done lately: Daddy and I were trying to teach you the "Indian Call" so we opened our mouths into circles, made an "AH!" sound, cupped our hands and repeatedly placed them in front of our lips. You liked the sound. Instead of trying it yourself, each time we stopped, you took our hand in yours and pushed it back towards our mouths. You were much more entertained by our silliness than attempting to learn it yourself.
Tonight, we tried brushing our teeth for the first time. You were in the bathtub and I took the tooth brush and brushed my teeth first (faked it guys). Then, I handed it to you and said, "Brushy! Brushy!" You looked at me a little confused, took the tooth brush and started brushing your hair with it. I gotta give it to you. At least you know what brush means. We'll try again tomorrow.
The way you learned how to say thank you: I was wiping your nose with a tissue and you grabbed it from me. You tore it in two and handed me one half. I said, "Tissue, Thank You!" You said, "Titu, Tu Tu!" and then you tore your tissue in two again and gave me half. The hilarity ensued. We finally got you to say 'Thank you' without the 'tissue' in front.
Audrey, thank you for reminding me how precious and important each and every person's life is. Since you came into mine, I have kept a positive attitude, been very thankful for the people I know and the family I have, and I laugh a lot more. This past year has been an eye-opener. I couldn't be happier that you're here, healthy and a person I can't wait to get to know better.


Blogger Brooks Brown said...

Audrey is such an amazing vibrant child. It's hard to believe that a year ago she was such a tiny little bundle and now a force of nature all her own. Seeing your photos and reading about Audrey from day one has been a wonderful gift.

10:39 PM  
Blogger jen said...

Sniff sniff!
You have such a way the words... and what a gorgeous and sweet child you have! I love seeing each month's pictures.

11:30 AM  
Blogger angela said...

brooksy- thanks woman. i only wish she got to see her auntie brooks more often! we're planning a trip this summer.
beck - i love watching the stare-downs! she only does that with you.
ames- we NEED to see you. have you secured a jobby job yet? call me.
jen+ali- it was sooooo good to see you both! i can't wait for the baby shower. i love showers.

8:25 AM  
Blogger will said...

dont make me cry at my new job. they already think im weird. tell tim g will g said smello. a man named garrett stopped in my japanese abode the other day. we had a fun fun tu tu time.

9:43 PM  
Blogger angela said...

hey will!
tim was like, holy shit!, wow. he says 'hi'.
garrett in a tu-tu? sweet!

11:53 PM  

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