Sunday, April 16, 2006

(sort of) Happy Easter

Well, let me start where I left off. This week was hard. I knew it would be.

First: I was lucky to see Audrey for 15 minutes after work every day. She started going to bed at around 6:30 because she has to get up so early now. There were times in the evening when I seriously thought about creeping into her room and "accidentally" waking her up so that I could play with her.
Second: The ladies at the day care obviously don't read the paperwork. I had specifically written down, in several places, that Audrey was not to have meat or juice. I knew that they had given her juice (and lots of it) because she had the you-know-whats all night.
So, here's what I did in order to solve the communication problem:

That's right, on every diaper, on every bottle... I even thought about taping a note to her back. I wasn't trying to be mean. I just wanted to make sure that they knew. I love Tim, but he's not confontational enough. I wish I could be the one to drop her off every morning.
There's more to this day care thing, but I won't bore you to death.
Third: It's Easter. It's not a great Easter. Tim has been thowing up and you-know-whatting all night long. One minute he's on fire and the next he's freezing. Audrey has a fever, so I'm sure she's next. GREAT! I have no idea what we are going to do tomorrow.

At least we got to celebrate Easter with the Shermans Friday night. The kids (really the adults) enjoyed dying eggs. We trashed them immediately after we made them, but it was a great time.

Cracking some eggs! Timsy and babies Suzanne and Kitley


Blogger angela said...

beck- teaching is the bomb. i love the hs level. i feel like they are really learning from me (even though i'm just a 'sub').
ames- they got the message alright! : )

9:29 PM  
Blogger Brooks Brown said...

you should write in smaller letters on the diapers and bottles -- my momma does it better!

1:18 AM  
Blogger Julie said...

Sounds like being a 'working' mom ( if that's NOT what you are when you are at home...haha) is a struggle. It was for me too. This is a wonderful blog you have put together & a great way to journal your feelings. I'm sure it will also be a great treasure for your daughter one day.

I remember when I went back to work after my first daughter was born (she is now 24 yrs. old) and it tore me apart too. I was fortunate to eventually be a stay-at-home mom, but it took a lot of sacrificing over the years. I became a licensed daycare provider, sold cosmetics, & did janitorial work on Saturdays and other odd ball jobs to supplement my income as the kids were growing up. Maybe something like that would work for you? You don't get a lot of pats on the back from society & I know not everyone has a choice, but kids grow up so quickly & you don't get a chance to do it over. I've never regretted making the choice to stay at home. There is always a huge need for good daycare providers (hint, hint ;)

5:52 PM  
Blogger angela said...

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8:02 PM  
Blogger angela said...

brooks- i'm afraid to write anything else! they might hate me already!
julie- i'd love to stay at home, or provide daycare, but the problem is we need better benefits. my husband's job has benefits, but i just had to fork out $450 for a CT scan! so, teaching is the only option i see as working right now....unless you have proposition??? oh, and thank you so much for the compliments! audrey might very well kill me for making her life so public. who knows?

8:03 PM  
Blogger Julie said...

Hi, again. I wish I did have a proposition for you, but I don't own a daycare business or babysit little ones anymore:( I imagine the next batch of kids around here will be grandchildren. You've got to do what you have to do to make ends meet that is for sure. You are doing a great job of balancing work & mommy time, but I know it's rather difficult & exhausting. I think Audrey will feel blessed to have been loved so very much as it is easy to see when reading your blog & looking at your photostream. Hang in there!! I checked out your Flicker photostream today. I'm also a Flickeree!!

2:18 PM  

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