GiAnt BABy

I know. I know. I have been so slack lately. There are so many irons in the fire. Ahhh. I tried to sell my car on eBay, and even though 40 people were watching it and two people tried to get me to end the auction early, IT DIDN'T SELL! Damn. I was supposed to ride on that cash for the next three months. I guess I'll have to think of something else. These have been 2 very busy weeks. Here are the highlights: Lindsay Brown came to visit, I've been to the gym every day, Tim and I attended a wedding on Jekyll Island and my baby gots another toof.

I've missed Audrey's 10 Month Update so here it is:
My favorite thing about you is: Your sense of humor. You are so funny and silly. I wonder what you would say if you could talk. I wonder what you are thinking when you give me that all-knowing grin. I can tell you got your dad's HAM-GENE.
The most frustrating thing about parenting is: Trying to juggle everything and still make sure you get 3 square meals, 2 naps and playtime on the floor. The days fly by and I can't imagine going back to work, but I know it has to be done. Who else can be your mommy? Nobody but me....that's who!

What I'm most looking forward to is: I still look forward to you walking. At least you've found it in your heart to utter the word, "Mama", even if it's just once a week. I know you're very close to two-wheelin' it. You climbed up the stairs without looking back, so walking should be a cinch!
The biggest relief would be: If you'd stop falling on your face! I know that this is the perfect example of a 'learning curve' but people are going to think that I'm using you as a punching bag if you don't chill out.
One of the funny things you've done lately: Oh there are so many- Everytime we get in the car now, you take off your shoes and socks. I'm so happy that warm weather is on the way. Also, I decided that I am going to use the word "NO" as little as possible. So, when you reach for things you're not supposed to touch I have been saying, "UHH UHH UHH!" You used to stop and cry, but now you start to reach for it while very loudly mocking me with "UHH UHH UHH!" You still reach out and grab it, but at least you give me the heads up. Oh yeah, one more, (this is not so funny) you can reach up and turn on the water in the bathtub. I know I'm going to have to watch you like a hawk when you start walking. Let the fun begin!

And LOOK! She's growing more hair! Thatta gurl.
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