FU Stomach Flu!
Sunday night Tim and I put Audrey to bed as normal. She woke up at 10pm (which she never does) and we brought her into our bed (I don't remember why exactly). She was on Tim's tummy, about to fall asleep, when she gagged and vomitted all over him. He handed her to me and she vomitted again. I was silently freaking out. "What do I do?" Images of driving her to the hospital flashed through my head. I started a bath for her and then handed her over to Tim again so that I could change. Long story short: She puked every 2 hours thereafter. It was awful. I think Tim and I went through 4 outfit changes each. We changed the bed sheets only once (luckily). And Audrey, well, she soiled ALL of her clothes.
The strangest thing was that she didn't have a fever and she acted completely normal between yaks.
Of course, we called the doctor first thing and got an appointment right away. Tim stayed home from work to go with me. By the time we reached the office Audrey was burning up and lathargic. It was so terrifying to see her that way. She's never like that. She must have really felt bad. And on top of that, you should have seen her outfit. Poor girl. She had puked on EVERYTHING so we had to put the only outfit we had left on her...it looked like something Gallagher might wear.
The doctor couldn't do anything for her. She left us with, "It could last anywhere from 24 hours to 5 days." Great, thanks! "Try to feed her liquids when she'll take them and call us back if she continues to vomit."
I was thinking, "Why don't they have some magic shot to make her all better?" My heart just sunk to see her like that.
Hopefully, she'll be back to normal tomorrow. I don't know if I can take another day of this pitiful face.
Poor Audrey....feel better
poor girl. that is miserable for an adult and i know is 10 times worse for a tiny girl. i guess you are going the pedialyte route. that little camper will perk up soon I hope.
Poor little pumpkin! It's so heartbreaking to see your baby not feeling well... I'm sure she'll perk up real soon!
ah, i wish audrey liked the pedialyte, she hates it! i did however, discover that she tolerates the jello water. thanks mom.
thanks for the get well wishes!
her expressions in these pictures remind me of a young Lindsay Brown. she could work the drama face, it was very convincing too.
you could also try crystal light i bet -- no sugar or caffeine. it's just a thought. I used to love jello water as a kid, then jello shots. I guess that's where I went wrong!
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