Poop. For Real.
Today, we drove out to Marietta to hang with Kat and her Momma. Audrey hadn't seen her in so long that she planted a kiss on Kat not 5 minutes after we arrived! Good times were had by babies AND moms.
I have another story for you:
Yesterday, Audrey was in the tub for her morning bathy. I decided that this would be a good time to pluck my eyebrows, seeing as she was content and playing. I leaned over the vanity and began to pluck when Audrey started whimpering. She NEVER fusses in the tub. I turned back around thinking that she was just craving attention. I sat down on the edge of the tub and said, "Whatsa matter Piglet?"
I noticed the smell long before I noticed the small chunks foating around. "OH! BabyPooPoo!" "Oh my gawd (gag gag) you didn't!!"
I pulled a towel over my legs and then lifted her out. She shat so hard that when I emptied the water out of her little tub, there was a flattened butt-creased slab of poo sticking to the bottom of it. I tried running water over it to break it up. It didn't budge. The force with which that poo came out must have been something terrific. I had to dry Audrey off and diaper her, THEN clean out the tub and re-bathe her.
My sister Kelli asked, "Did you take a picture of the poo?"
I guess I'm not AS obsessed with baby poo as I used to be.
That is the funniest thing I've heard in a while!
The infamous water poo! I had a water poo incident with a two-year-old and a hot tub a few years ago. I had a feeling something was up when she got real quiet and had this little peaceful smirk on her face.
eeeew. a hot tub? that must have been lovely.
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