Happy 8 Months Audrey
Click on picture to view larger size. Daddy picked out her outfit.
Well, it's amazing to me how much you're learning. Every day you surprise me with a new sound or a new trick.
I know it won't be long before you are walking around like E.T., pointing to everything and babbling in your own encrypted language.
You are very hard-headed and often refuse to go to sleep. More often than not, we let you get your way and sleep between us. We'll be cracking down on that come Wednesday, so be prepared. You're rotten, and I love it.
My favorite thing about you is: that when we DO bring you in to bed with us (around 2 am every morning) you roll over and snuggle up to me and it's almost as if you're spooning me. I love that recognition of being your mommma. It's the greatest feeling in the world. I also love how when we put you in your playpen, you pull yourself up and then proceed to furiously hop up and down. It's one of your favorite things to do! Somehow you know that the stronger your legs are the quicker you'll be walking around on them. Oh yeah, also, the way you chew. I love the faces you make while munching on a cracker. It's like you're an old lady that forgot to put in her dentures.
The most frustrating thing about parenting is: trying to get you to sleep or to stay asleep. You are so afraid you are going to be missing out on something. It's either that or your teeth are about to burst out from under your gums. Sometimes it's frustrating that you're such a wiggle worm, but only when I'm trying to A- get you to sleep or B-change your diaper.
What I'm most looking forward to: our water aerobics class in a few weeks. You love bathy time, so I KNOW you're going to get a kick out of this large heated swimming pool. I'm also looking forward to hearing you say "MaMa". You've got "DaDa" down just fine, as a matter of fact that's all you ever say. How about some variety?
One of the most endearing things you've done lately: Your face when I came home from work, your reaching for me to hold you and your big girl hug once you were in my arms almost made me want to cry. You know who your momma is. What more could I ask for? Oh yeah, for you to say it.
Something you've done that surprised me: You crawled out of your room and into the hallway to come find me. I was on my way to check on you and was shocked to find that you had gotten so far so fast on your hands and knees. I had only left you alone for a couple of minutes. You are one determined chick. I will have to learn to never underestimate or undermine your determination. I will be putting a gate at the top of the stairs immediately.
Sorry that I don't have many pictures for this entry. We have been busy trying to get some things done around the house. We are on a mission.
Cute picture! I can't read the text though...
I think it's fixed...
i know! we're so sorry we missed your bday party ali!! i'm so glad you had a blast.
Best baby outfit ever.
ps i left the other elton john comment. dork-o me forgot to sign it
Amber- thanks! i hope she'll still think the Ramones are cool when she's old enough to find out who they are.
Brooks- I'm throwing up my fist in agreement.
R'Mae- whaddup, gotchur own house and all...
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