Saturday, December 10, 2005

Not Normal and Loving It

We almost finished our Xmas shopping today.
We were in my most favorite store in the world, Anthropologie, getting rang up when the lady at the register said something about Audrey. I don't remember exactly what she said, but we all laughed. After that, she mentioned that she's "having one of those" in July. Tim and I congratulated her and said the experience will be nothing short of awesome. She said, "It's great to see not normal parents like you two." I was so flattered and proud that I stuck out my chest and replied,"We vowed never to be conservatives." She further informed us that she is a photographer and her boyfriend is a tattoo artist. I said, "Well then, you don't have to worry about being normal either!"
She gave us some boxes and we said our Happy Holidays.
We walked out with our purchase and upon exiting I looked at Tim glowingly and declared, "We're not normal!" (While simultaneously making that arm motion that football players or golf guys make when they do something astounding.)
Who would have thought that statement would ever be received as a compliment?
Proof that random conversations with total strangers are sometimes worthwhile.


Blogger Amber Rhea said...

That rules. Hey, if somebody called me normal I think I might have to punch them in the face.

Oh and - cutest. picture. ever.

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love that picture! You all look much happier than "normal" people.

Love you lots!!!

You know who.

9:13 PM  
Blogger angela said...

Thanks Amber! NOT normal people unite!

You know who- I love you too!

9:17 PM  
Blogger angela said...

Hey Pez Girl-
Yes, we broke down and got the white tree. It's perfect for the house.
Tim wears that shirt all the time now! You rock. It IS his favorite color.
Hmmm...I should have taken you Xmas shopping with me. You're better at picking out clothes for him than I am!

10:50 PM  

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