Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Someone put me out of my misery

The past couple nights I have been getting only two winks of sleep. I am going to kill these dogs tonight if they continue with their "it's too damn early in the morning for this crap" crap. It's bad enough that the baby is sick and waking us up every three hours, I can forgive her, she doesn't feel well. The dogs, on the other hand, are getting up in the middle of the night and walking around for the fun of it. Who can go to sleep when you hear, "Tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-tick" on the hardwood floors? I swear Byrd is walking around in circles just to piss me off. Or "Lick, lick, lick, gnaw a flea, lick, lick, lick" right near your ear? I can yell,"Lincoln, knock it off!" and 2 seconds later he's back at it. I swear! It's the slurping noises that really bother me. Jump off the bed, tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-tick over to the water bowl and it's like they've been left in the desert all day. "Lap, lap, lap, lap, lap." Three minutes straight, seems like fifteen. And when they finally DO decide to settle down you have to fight with them for your space. I am going to kill them! If I had a dollar for every time they jumped up on and down off the bed I'd be in Tahiti right now sipping on a frosty beverage. This weekend we are buying Byrdie a dog bed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They appear to somnolent when you all are not in the bed. Get their asses up!!!


9:46 PM  
Blogger angela said...

Dang! Good word. I had to look that one up. Next time I come visit we're playing Scrabble. Love ya. Mean it.

9:53 PM  

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