Friday, February 17, 2006

9 Months Update

This is my favorite photo as of late. I was sitting cross-legged and she scaled up me and balanced herself standing. She held it for so long that I freaked out with excitement. She saw the look on my face and immediately started clapping! I caught it all on camera- excellent! Shortly thereafter, her knees buckled and she fell and rolled over on the floor. I got that on camera too, but it's not as pretty as this one.

My favorite thing about you is: Wow. It's hard to think of just one thing. I love to watch you chew. Your cheeks are like chipmunk's and you're still toothless! I love that you are experiencing separation anxiety. It's heart-warming and breaking at the same time to hear you pout when I leave the room or I'm out of your sight. I love that when we put you down in your crib now that you immediately roll over to your tummy and get comfy before sleeping. I love that you've exhibited a true belly laugh- and at the silliest thing! (Me slapping a pillow against the bed.) I love to watch you clap. AND my most favorite thing of all right now is watching you stand up and balance yourself. You're such a big girl!! Oh yeah, I also love that when you wake up from a nap you're a little sweaty and curls form in the hair on the back of your head.
The most frustrating thing about parenting is: Trying to feed you when you've decided that you've had enough and spit it out at me. What a mess. All you have to do, you know, is close your lips....that might work. Also, it's becoming a chore to watch you when you're crawling around. You have a knack for getting into things that you're not supposed to ie: the dogs' water bowl, the space heater, the toilet!!! You have T-O-Y-S ya know?
What I'm most looking forward to is: I'm probably going to regret typing this, but I look forward to you walking. I can't wait to see the little toothless, hairless giant on two wheels instead of four. I am also waiting to hear you say "Ma Ma"- When Audrey? When?
The biggest relief would be: If I could clean the house from top to bottom. I realize this has nothing to do with you, but it's driving me nuts and throwing my rhythm off! Also, I'm really really behind on the scrapbooking. I have a gazillion pictures of you and I've done nothing with them.

Clapping. She claps when I get her food ready. She claps when I sing to her. She claps when I get her crackers out. She's a clapper.

At your last appointment the doctor weighed you (23lbs) and measured you (30 1/2") and said that you were the exact height and weight of a 14 month old. You're still a giant.
One of the funny things you've done lately: I was on the computer and looked over at you in your playpen. You had taken your pants off! "How in the world did you take your pants off?" I asked. Not a minute later, you looked at me playfully, picked up your recently shed pants, and threw them out of the playpen! I couldn't believe it. You made me laugh out loud.
Good God I hope you're not a stripper!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just thought you should know that you sound like an amazing mom. Just reading your blog it's completely obvious how in love you are with your little "giant" and it sounds like you are simply a natural mother. It is so nice to read something so sweet! Most people just complain or sound miserable, but you sound totally joyful about your baby and it's so charming. Your photos are absolutely beautiful too. That is one lucky (and adorable) little girl!

7:36 AM  
Blogger jen said...

Of course, I also concur.
I'm calling you this week- we have to get together! I seriously can't remember the last time we saw youse guys. Was it the chili cook-off? That doesn't sound right...

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg- that is the cutest pic ever- like the pants too- do you think they make them in my size?
so cute- i love that kid! so worth the after-fall!
(going through me ol' wallet and found the tman blogspot address, led me to this) the cutest picture EVER!!!
Shannon- your usually hung over, but always goofy sunday brunch counterpart-in-crime

1:34 AM  
Blogger angela said...

!Shannon!- I am so gonna miss hearing your laugh at work. You rock. And about the pants- Old Navy babe. I'm sure they have something similar in your size (wink).

Jen- YES, chili cookoff was the last time. It's like we live in Egypt or something. Marietta is like light years away from us. Call me.

Rebecca-Beck-Becky-BGirl- Thanks! BTW, I have something to tell you.

AliCat- Thanks chic! I don't think we've seen YOU since the chili cookoff either...maybe we three should make plans to hang soon.

Anon- Thanks so much for such a sweet comment. I only wish I knew who you were!#@?!

2:26 AM  

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