13 Months on the 13th

My favorite thing about you is: There's nothing like hanging out with you in the morning in our bed. You babble so much in the morning that I can't get a word in edgewise. You must be a morning person like your father- blasphemy! One of my favorite things is when you place that little tiny claw of a hand onto my chin in the morning. This is usually in response to me turning my head away from you for a minute to catch a few extra z's. I can feel the penetrating warm patch, which is an outline of your hand, gently grab my chin and pull it to face you. I open my eyes and you glare at me like, "Mama, how can you turn away from me?" I struggle to keep my eyes open and play the staring game with you. You always win.
One of my other favorite things lately is that you're finally ticklish! I was so worried when you wouldn't respond to my tickles. I had tried every spot on your body to no avail, but this week....it works. Swhoo!
Also, you ALWAYS sleep with your butt up in the air. I can't help but grin from ear to ear everytime I go check on you.
What I'm most looking forward to is: Taking you to the beach again. I just know you'll love the waves and giggle as they threaten to swallow you up. Lord knows that with your belly you'll make a damn good flotation device.
The biggest relief would be: Well, it already happened. You've gotten over those horrible ear infections. Now, it's your teeth that are causing you pain. Still, it's nothing compared to those damn ear infections. I'll just die if you get another one. I don't think I've washed your ears in 3 months. People might start gawking at you in public, pointing at your tiny ears, giving me eat shit looks and saying, "Someone needs to clean that poor kid's ears out," under their breath. They can kiss my ass. They have no idea the hell we go through when your ears hurt.
New words: Water, Elmo, Belly, Poo Poo and ALRIGHT! And you're saying MaMa more frequently. I'm thankful that you no longer call me DaDa. Although, I wish you'd stop pulling up my shirt to exclaim, "Belly!" You know I'm self-conscious!

Some of the funny things you've done lately: Well, you have mastered the sign for "MORE!" (see above.) It comes in handy for you during meal times. A couple days ago I had just finished feeding you what I thought was a sufficient meal. You had homemade mashed potatoes, broccoli and carrots. I took you upstairs to put you down for a nap. Half way through the bottle you stopped, threw it on the ground, looked up at me, and made the sign for "more" over and over and over again. I couldn't believe it. I took you back downstairs, strapped you in and ended up feeding you two more jars of baby food. I love you Piglet.
Today, she was dancing to one of her sing-a-long toys and started erradically bobbing her head. Just when I started wondering if she had autism, she danced right into the wall and bonked her head. I'm bringing it up at the next doctor's appointment.

Speaking of appointments. At the last appointment, we went just to make sure that the 8 shots of antibiotics worked. The doctor had to check her ears again (which of course she despises these days). After she successfully, but with much aggrevation, checked her ears Audrey wriggled down. She grabbed the strap to the diaper bag and started lugging it to the door saying, "Bye-Bye! Bye-Bye!" The doctor laughed and said, "Wow! She's ready to go, huh?" With a straight face I responded, "Yeah, she's afraid if she doesn't get the hell outta here that you're gonna give her another shot!"

Audrey, you are growing up so quickly. Too quickly. I already miss the Blobbers that I used to know. Your expressions and temperment are so totally toddler now. You want to feed yourself. You want to open doors. You want to run. You want to explore.
I want you to stay a baby forever.
However, I reluctantly say 'good-bye' to infancy and 'oh help me jesus' to the toddler years.
I love the mornings with Ethan too-it's amazing how those little faces and voices can brighten a morning!
once again...She.is.so.cute!!!!! We miss you guys so much, hopefully we can come visit this summer. Talk to you soon!
Rachel and Bryan
and ps...hope your surgery went well!!!
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