Friday, January 23, 2009

My Daily Struggle

the culprit

Watching four kids every day can sometimes be fun, sometimes be challenging, sometimes it's complete Hell! I'll just be honest, those of you with four kids of your own can attest, I'm sure.
This post is about one of those very challenging days when nothing goes as planned.
On this particular day, I was trying to get them all down for a nap. We do have a routine, and most days it works perfectly. This day was off- in so many ways.

One of the boys was asleep already. Harper was on the verge of sleep, but just needed to be rocked for two minutes and then put down. So, I was in the other room rocking her, per usual. Audrey and the other boy were sitting on the couch reading books. So, I thought I'd put Harps down and then go grab them. Well, Harper had just closed her eyes when Audrey screams, "Mama!"
"Audrey Rose, you know not to scream when I'm rocking. Why are you screaming at me?"
"I can't tell you, mama. I have to show you."
That's always a good sign.
So, I cart the now wide awake baby into the living room to see what could have possibly happened in a matter of 2 minutes.
The living room floor, the couch, the kid- all covered in baby powder.

I had no reaction, really. I just looked at the boy thinking, "Wow. You're fast."
He grinned from ear to ear, all the while holding the powder. He was so proud of himself.
I said, "Don't move. I have to get my camera."

Both kids ran around in the "snow" for a couple of minutes before I rounded them up for their nap.
My living room smells great!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I don't have four, just one, and she's 22 now and in college. BUT I can tell you I recall with crystal clarity the few times her childhood mischievousness made me wish I had a camera handy. Like the time she got into Mommy's makeup and made herself "pretty just like Mommy."

Never had a powder incident like you though. Good times!


2:17 PM  
Blogger lex said...

wait...this means MINE was the one who was already sleeping! yaaaay for that!

3:08 PM  
Blogger Mindy said...

Goodness! How long did the clean-up take? Hope Audrey didn't take notes. MG

6:46 PM  
Blogger Julie said...

Oh, come on now! Don't these guys know you've had a rough week as it is?

4:54 PM  
Blogger angela said...

So many people have emailed me with funny stories! Thanks. I needed the laughs!

7:43 PM  
Blogger honkeie said...

I have cleaned up 3 baby powder bombings and one Triple paste paint job. It just happens, all you can do is laugh at it...because if you dont you might go insane.

12:37 PM  

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