Post Holiday Depression
So, it's been a helluva weekend.
Let me start by saying that the holiday break was wonderful. It was nice to have Tim home for an entire week. It was nice to be able to spend quality time with my kids. It was nice.
The first week back to normal life was difficult.
I really wish we, as Americans, didn't have to work 8+ hour days. I really wish we could stay at home and raise our families without worry of money or health care costs or crime. I really wish the world were a simpler place. With that being said, the week wasn't rough because of those things specifically, but because of one little toddler. I love her dearly, but she was possessed by the Devil this past week. (And this will all make sense in a minute, I promise.)
Anyway, this week Audrey regressed to the point that I thought I was going to have to put her back in diapers. No joke. She's been emulating the little boys that I watch during the day and I can't quite figure out why. She's been talking baby talk, throwing major tantrums and basically pissing me off every chance she gets.
My point from earlier is that I wish I had a chance to just focus on my kid. I feel like I need to stop everything I'm doing and grab her up, whisk her away for a week, everything would be fine. She's obviously starved for attention. That can't happen. I must work, pay bills, wash dishes, do laundry, yadda yadda yadda.
Don't get me wrong. I make a point to give her special attention, but I think coming off the holidays has hit her the hardest. Obviously.
This evening I almost snapped (for the second time this weekend). Tim looked over at me and asked, "Are you going to make it? What are you thinking about?"
I must have looked pissed or about to cry or something. Who knows.
I said, "I'm thinking about running away." And I was.
Instead, I decided that Audrey and I were going to walk up to the coffee house, ALONE.
Tim was a little scared that he was being left with Harper. (That deserves its own post- another time.) I just needed to get out of the house and try to remedy whatever is going on with Audrey.
My plan totally backfired.
Audrey was a complete pill the whole time we were there. The high point was when she refused to sit on her bottom in her chair and knocked the table over that supported our hot drinks.
Yes, coffee and hot chocolate all over the place (including our persons). She then proceeded to bawl at the loudest level imaginable and sit on the floor (in mentioned liquids). It was a lovely bonding moment.
Defeated, I almost cried in public.
I don't know how I found it in me, but I breathed a deep breath, comforted her and grabbed some paper towels. We cleaned it up together. In the end, all was made well by what remained of our beverages and a good book about monsters.
On our way home, I could hear Harper's screams from outside the house.
My job, it never ends.
You just scared the hell out of my ovaries. In fact I think they're totally hyperventilating right now.
You're amazing. How do women do this!? With no helpful chemical additives even?
Peaks and valleys, Angela. Peaks and valleys.
Angela! I'm so sorry. Maybe a night with grandma is in order for the girls, so you can gather your strength and sanity? I send love love love and patience to you, by the truckload. If I didn't live in hell, I would be knocking on your door right now with coloring books and toilet cleaner. xoxox
The title to that post should have been "My Daily Struggle". I swear I have similar episodes to varying degrees daily with my toddler, so I feel your pain. The odd schedule of the Holidays really threw a wrench into his routine and that makes for a crazy kid. Hang in there, I am told it gets better (still waiting myself).
Yikes, what a tough day!! I believe it must get better or why would people keep having kids?
(My two have decided that sleep isn't necessary UNTIL it's time to leave the house.)
God, you are amazing, woman. I wish I could do something to help, though I know you'll make it through this daily struggle. But if I can do anything to help, let me know - you can send Audrey to "winter camp" in Chicago for a couple days ;) She'd probably love the 8-12 inches of snow we're schedule to get in the next couple days!
Angela, I know right where you are. Not a good place to be at all. I am so sorry.
Good news is, you will leave it & probably soon. Bad news is, we always have to revisit that place from time to time. Not sure why.
I'm proud of you for putting it out there!
Love you!
omg. I have to just throw this in - I am feeling you on this one. these crappy days seem to get worse over the holidays. the toddler guilt is rough man...and I have the same kind of hubby with the baby-alone phobia. I don't really blame him. mine treats me like a life raft.
that is so tough. i am sorry. i hate it when the remedy goes to crap too.
I had a similar experience - I had a day off betw. Christmas and New Year's, so we sent my 15-month-old to daycare so I could take my (poor neglected) 4-year-old to the Please Touch Museum. The 4-year-old at first had a great time, but then had a meltdown of epic proportions. Certainly left a bad taste in my mouth, but I have to think these little attempts do make a difference in the long run. Here's to better things in 2009!
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