7 Months
Harper Jane is now 7 months old. She's still just as stubborn of a baby as when she arrived!
What other baby do you know of that screams when you take her for a walk? Screams so loud you think your neighbors might come out of their houses or pull back their blinds to see what the commotion is all about. Yes, that is what happened tonight. Harper pitched a fit half way through our walk and I had to take her out of the stroller and carry her the rest of the way home. She was fine once lifted out- perfectly peachy. I tried only once to put her back in again. She wasn't having it. She rules me.
And although she's very dependent in some ways, she's very independent in others. This is the side I see most of my younger daughter:
She began crawling at 5 months and is now a pro. She's faster than me on any given day and always heads straight for trouble. (ie- the dog bowls)
Recently, she's been pulling herself up on objects that are not so stable. The toddler chairs are her favorite. She's slid a couple of times and really slammed her head more than I'd like to admit. I've caught her balancing herself standing a few times. I'm betting she'll be walking come the end of February. She's so close.
She's a very serious baby, but also has a good sense of humor. She thinks Audrey was put here just for her entertainment. No one, I mean no one can make this kid laugh like her big sister. I might have mentioned that before, but it's truly a sight to see them interact. I love it. I love it more than I can ever put into words.
Harper has continued eating solid foods although she doesn't find them very interesting. She seems happier with finger foods. A sippy cup has been introduced but she doesn't have the hang of it, yet. She still likes to thrust it off the side of her high chair though. What fun!
She babbles and screams and I swear she said, "I love you" the other day. Tim even witnessed it. For the record, her first word was/is "Blah". I need to get a recording of this because she says it like a pro. It's a very heartfelt "Blah".
She doesn't like to have socks or shoes on her feet. She hates to wear a hat. Like most babies, she'd rather be naked. She's happiest when she's crawling at free will. She even giggles when I put her down. She takes off like a race horse.
Her sleep pattern is the worst on the planet. Yesterday she only slept for an hour during the day. Her longest period of sleep was only 5 hours. So, at about 2am and every hour thereafter she was awake. Harper, you need to cut this shit out. Mommy is going to be a walking zombie if you continue these antics.
Harper, I love you. And even if you wake me up every hour of the night, I'll still love you.
Tootie Too, you're such a big girl already. And that's a little bit scary for Momma.
I know exactly what you mean about your kid interacting. Francesco can get his brother laughing at any time and Nicolo breaks his neck to keep his eye on him.
Wow. Crawling? At FIVE months?
Slow down, Harper.
I wanna bite that butt. Harper is smarter than the 9 month old boy I watch. No surprises there though, right? What with all the fantasticness you and Tim put out. I am honest-to-god in love with your entire family. I could eat you all.
baby feet and toes are simply my favorite! i could a million pics of just that! she is so super cute, just like her sister!
love to read what you write, such fun! crawling at 5 months is early, she is one good baby, and i bet she will give you those sleeping hpurs you need in about..lets see, 14 years :)or rather you will have to pull her out of bed!
all i can say is that i know that other baby who screams like that.
Is there anyway you can recommend a camera for me? My fiance loves pictures and has a small digital camera- I love your amazing photos and though I can't purchase the eye in which you see things- I would love to have your advice on a camera to buy her...
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