Monday, June 11, 2007

25 Months- a day early.

Surely, Shirley Temple picked her nose too.

No matter how consumed I become with stress and anxiety, the minute I glance in your direction I breathe more deeply and more confidently. As long as I have you, my world will be brighter. I keep telling myself it will all work out, everything will be okay and when I look at you, I actually believe it.
I'm hoping that the next few weeks will not be too hard on you. This is the only home you've known. I'm sure there will be an adjustment period, but we'll get through it. You are extremely resilient. You don't seem to mind the state of disarray around here, or the growing towers of hastily labeled boxes. It's funny to think that you won't have memories of this place. You'll only have pictures.
Speaking of pictures, here's one for the baby book:

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I mentioned that Audrey is now terrified of her own pee. This is her solution.

It started about 4 days ago. I had put some big girl panties on her and told her she could have a tattoo if she peed in the potty! She was excited. I was excited. Tim was excited.
Well, about 20 minutes pass and we hear an ear-piercing scream from Audrey's bedroom. I rush in to see what has fallen on her. She's standing there, screaming her head off, legs straddled around a puddle of pee. She was terrified. She didn't stop screaming until she was safely in the tub. Tim, he's awesome, he just kept saying, "It's okay honey, it's just a little pee. It's just a little pee." I couldn't stop laughing. I was so relieved that she wasn't hurt.
So, needless to say she hates big girl panties now. She continues to straddle her diaper and cry every time she pees.

Audrey, we're either getting closer to being potty trained or this is a huge setback. I'm not sure which. Either way, it sure is funny to watch you waddle around bow-legged in a pee pee diaper. I'd video tape it if I hadn't packed the camera away.


Blogger Cara said...

Change is hard for the little ones but like you said they are resilient. It will all work out.

5:04 PM  
Blogger Brooks Brown said...

I think the pee fright might be a good thing in potty training category. If she doesn't want it touching her, she might be more inclined to get it away from her by going to the potty.

Do you have a new address yet?

4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg. i crying with laughter just picturing the entire scene.

7:45 PM  
Blogger Biddy said...

i love her hair! it reminds me of Jake's!

2:43 PM  

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