Friday, September 16, 2005

Another poke

The guys at Google have a very good sense of humor. Go to the Google search engine and type in 'Failure'. Have a good chuckle for the day. It is Friday for God don don.


Blogger tony said...

'Tis not actually the people at Google who are responsible for that, but some group of website owners who have coordinated to take advantage of Google's PageRank algorithm in a technique known as a Google Bomb.

9:40 AM  
Blogger angela said...

I stand corrected. I happily stand corrected. I

2:21 PM  
Blogger Brooks Brown said...

I am impressed that anyone knew how to do that. Next the Google bombers should have the bio of Dick Cheney when you type in "Cyborg Dickhead". Did anyone catch the recent CNN video footage of Cheney's interview in Mississippi where a passer by yelled out "F*ck you Mr. Cheney!" -- twice! You can Google those four words and find the video. It's classic.

8:24 PM  

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