It's a different world
(You'll have to click on the picture if you want to read the captions.)
This morning I watched Kitely for about 2 hours. Audrey and I enjoyed the company. Isn't it funny to see them side-by-side? I think it would be cool to get parents to volunteer their babies to re-create a human growth photo. You know, kind of like the chart of the evolution of man?
After Phillip came to pick Bug up, Audrey and I ran a few errands and then went for a walk. This weather is just perfect and it's killing me that I can't spend an entire day outside with the flower beds. Anyway, we'd been walking for about 20 minutes and I turned around to head on home. I got to the corner of our street and the phone rang. So, I stopped in the shade there on the corner to chat. (Interesting call by the way- I was offered a job at the Brickstore- can you believe I turned it down?) Getting on with it, I ended the phone call and remembered that I needed to call Tim to pick up some eggs on the way home from work. I had only been talking to him for a couple of minutes when this car slowly pulled onto our street. This guy looks at me and motions for me to come over. I just shook my head. As if that wasn't weird enough, he pulls into someone's driveway and turns around, drives back up and rolls down his passenger window. He again, motions for me to come to his car. I said, "Watchu want man?" and he says, "I want you baby," in this really creepy voice. Fucker, I will kill you if I see you again with your bare chest and your nappy hair. My guess is that he was naked and was trying for some shock value. I was so disgusted and perturbed that I forgot to look at his tag. Fucker.
I got off the phone with Tim, after hearing his several commands to GET HOME!, and called the Po-Po when I arrived. Of course, they can't really do anything without a tag number.
That whole incident just made me realize that I won't be able to bring Audrey up like I was brought up. She won't be allowed to stay outside all day and ride her bike all over the neighborhood without a chaperone. I might as well go purchase that damn child-leash that I'm always making fun of.
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That is some sick shit. I'm in the same kind of neighborhood Waddy and know that we will be keeping a close eye on Ben that no one really had to keep on any kid in my neighborhood growing up. The only option for parents living in the city is to move to some house that took three weeks to built in suburbian hell and live in the vanilla suburbs, but that sure doesn't seem like an option that anyone really likes.
It's really not that bad living in the burbs. At least not for us- but I like our neighborhood. It's older and the people aren't snobby at all, even though it's in East Cobb. Also, it's close to both of our jobs.
Different strokes for different folks, right?
Angela, you should check your email and let me know what's up with you guys this weekend!
Angela, this breaks my heart. I hate assholes like that. He's lucky you didn't pull a freak-out mommy on him and rush the car in a protective fury. I bet Tim was freaking out...poor family! Don't let it scare you into OVER protectiveness, though. You all deserve to live and breathe and play, you just gotta do it with your head on your shoulders. Knowing from past experience, losers like that usually drive around the same neighborhoods - if you keep an eye out, you may get a second chance at getting his tag.
Mole-e-sah: You are so right, if I hadn't been on the phone I would have wigged out on him. I'm not going to let it bother me too much. I'm still gonna go for walks with my bay-bay, I'm just gonna carry a switchblade with me! I DO want to see this guy again so I can get him busted for harrassment. I'm worried that he's out looking for kids that are getting off school busses.
Jen- I emailed you back. We can't do it this weekend. Maybe the next?
EBB-It's something we've been thinking about...moving. But I really do love this house. I love our neighbors. I've never felt more at home anywhere than here, but I just don't like the idea of having to keep my guard up, waiting for shitheads like that guy to pop up. I dunno. We have some time to think about it. It was different when we didn't have a "little".
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Jen I meant no offense about the suburbs. There are some very decent, older ones in Atlanta and here in my city as well and I more than understand why people want to raise kids there. I hate seeing them leave my neighborhood, but I certainly know why they have to do it. My friends raising kids in our neighborhood run into situations very similiar to Angela's and feel torn between moving from a house and area they love to a place where kids can ride bikes and play outside without their parents having to watch every move.Unfortunately the only suburb that most people in this neighborhood could afford are the ones with small, cheaply built houses in the bowels of Shelby County which is sometimes an hour's commute from the city.
I totally understand what you mean and took no offense at all! :)
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