Monday, December 21, 2009

The beginning of a beautiful relationship.... I hope.

A few days ago, Tottie, who was sitting quietly in her car seat says very clearly, "Mama, I love you."

I almost ran off the road. And of course I kept asking her her to say it over and over again. I couldn't hear it enough. "I love you. I love you. I love you." She turned to her sister and said, "I love you, Audrey." At that, I almost cried. She does love her sister.

Every day it's something new. She now sings Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and the Alphabet Song and she will even grab her baby doll and pretend to sing it to sleep by singing our made-up family song called Bye-Yo. She feeds the baby doll, too. It's cute.

She loves to draw and basically do anything her sister is doing.

This morning, Audrey and I dropped Tottie off at school. It was our day together. We went to breakfast in bunny ears and ran lots and lots and lots of errands. I fielded several questions about Santa Claus and death and the Grinch's nasty disposition. Conversations with a Four Year Old. (It's the title of my future book. Don't steal it.)
When we arrived back home we took a nap together. It was awesome. There are few things I like better than napping with my kids.
are you ready for teddy?

We ran a few more errands and then went to pick up the short one. When we opened the door to her classroom her teachers immediately shot me a look and said, "Mom. We have a problem." I was bracing myself for the news. Biting? Another bloody nose? What?
"Your daughter has been stripping."
They said they sat back and watched as Harper entertained herself in the mirror by lifting her dress up to see her belly. Then, they said she lifted it up and over her head and managed to pull it off. They told me how she was literally swinging her dress around in the air as she circled the room laughing. And as they are telling me this story, Tottie decides to show me for herself. I knelt there, in shock, disbelieving that my 1.5 year old could undress herself. And then thinking, "Shit. She can take her clothes off now."
"Shit. She's going undress herself in public."
I was suddenly reminded of a student I had in elementary school that would start undressing herself button by button if you upset her or tried to discipline her in any way. She'd just stare at me and then unbutton another button. Seething. Just stand there and unbutton. It was a genius move, really. Luckily, I was never left alone with her. Her regular teachers would escort her to the principal's office whenever she'd exhibit the behavior. I always wondered if her mother dressed her in shirt dresses on purpose.

Anyway, Harper can take her own clothes off.
I'm hoping she'll keep her hands off her diapers.

When we all packed back into the car, Audrey turns to Harper and says, "I missed you today, Tottie. I really did."
And just before bed Audrey told me that when she gets older, her and her sister are going to get married.

They are so damn cute together.
monster puppets make the wait shorter.


Blogger geckonia said...

You girls are so sweet... I hope you don't mind me living vicariously through you.

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Scott Stater said...

Those bathtub shots remind me of this:

Cute blog!

7:42 PM  

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