We've hit a rough patch...
So, I realized how great I've had it for the past 28 months. I arrived at this epiphany while hauling Audrey out of the library today (as fast as I could); kicking and screaming at the top of her toddler lungs. Every single person was staring at us. Tim, who was waiting in the checkout line, conveniently pretended to not be related to us. He looked away as we passed. No, not really, but I wouldn't have blamed him.
Yes, it's like she hit the twos this week full force. She's suddenly sprouted horns. I think we've decided what she'll be for Halloween.
Just as I predicted, she has the limp noodle down to a science. She goes boneless on a moment's notice. (Always in the most inconvenient places- ie. middle of the the crosswalk.)
Damn! It sure is hard to get a grip on a boneless toddler.
Oh, and then there's the "Let's Try to Get to Bed on Time" chapter of the Terrible Twos. It's never-ending. I swear I am about to resort to the 'How To' books for toddlers. Goodness knows, everyone and their brother has written a book about the Terrible Twos.
Honestly, I don't think there's one right answer. Tim and I are going to have to invest in some earplugs and keep grinning. What more can you do? Start crying, I suppose. I'm sure I'll resort to that at some point. For right now, I am of the "Stay Strong!" mentality.
I admit, I almost lost it when I had to hear, "I want ice cream!" at an octave that makes my blood curdle for 15 minutes straight. The ride home from the library was not a pleasant one.
I still love her more than cherry pie. (That's saying a lot.)
too bad kids don't naturally come with an instruction manual (or a prescription for valium)...anyway, there is a fabulous series of books that were written a bit ago but kids don't really change that much...Check out 'Your Two-Year-Old: Terrible or Tender' by Louise Bates Ames. Got me through some rough moments, of course, I had two two-year-olds (and I lived, and so did they!)
It all sounds so hauntingly familiar.
could she look more like Tallulah in the last photo??????
That's why they're so damn cute at two. It's God's way of countering the wrath of that age.
I refuse to believe that a child as angelic looking as your daughter, could behave in such a manner. :)
Also straw wrapper around the head. Genius!
um, yeah. sounds very, very familiar.
the boy version is equally delightful.
i count to ten.
a LOT.
Hmmmmm.... maybe Ms. Becca should come and visit and allow you and Tim some time away.
my 17 month old is starting to do the same thing. I'm thinking of renaming him as Damien.
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