Before Bed:
(Tim is sleeping and I tap him on the shoulder.)
Me: "You know how people say that the reasons you fall in love with someone are usually the exact reasons you end up hating someone?"
Tim: "Yeah?"
Me: "So, what do you hate about me?"
Tim: "I don't hate you."
Me: "Okay, well, what made you fall in love with me?"
Tim: "You were strong and independent. You weren't like other girls. You could do anything. You're good at everything."
Me: "So, you hate me because I'm smart?"
Tim: "I don't hate you."
Me: "You hate that I'm a nag. I know that."
Tim: "Yeah, you nag, but you're usually right."
Me: !!!! (Hallelujahs in my head.... but nothing coming out of my mouth.)
I'm just tucking that one away for when I really need it.
Do you know that you are effing brilliant? BRILLIANT, I tell you!!!
Ahem, are you on crack???
Classic. That is perfect. I would publish that too-- or keep a tape-recorder handy.
Hmmm. Good idea!
Yeah, little pocket voice recorder is the way to go for those moments.
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