A Word On Lovies.

"What exactly is a lovey? A lovey, also known as a transitional object, is something that a child uses to aid their feeling of security. A perfect example of a lovey is the Linus’ blanket in Peanuts. Not all children have a lovey, but studies show that more than half of all toddlers do have a special blanket, doll, or stuffed animal."-Amy Cottrell (of Associated Content)
When I was pregnant, I always wondered what Audrey's lovey might be. I'd read several funny stories of strange attachments that toddlers have towards lip gloss, pot holders or tattered squares of once upon a time blankets. I often imagined that her lovey would be the uber soft baby blanket that I was knitting for her when I was 8 months along.... WRONG!
I began to wonder if she would ever attain a lovey, seeing as she was not growing attached to anything. She came very close to being attached to her baby doll, her barbie doll and her baby owl, but they never quite made it to lovey status.
What does my child, my child have to sleep with every night? What does she scream to hold onto while rocking to sleep? I could give you 53 guesses and you'd still be wrong.
Audrey's lovey is her sippy cup.
Yep. She cries and cries for it. "MY WATER!" She must hold it while falling asleep. Luckily, I can, without argument, wrangle it out of her hand before transferring her into her crib. But a sippy cup?
I guess it could be worse.
When we were foster parents, we found sippy cups to be a pretty common attachment! (If that helps.)
I have to ask, what program do you use for your photos? I have thought about them all day!
What do you mean by program? Hosting site- Flickr
Edited in photoshop. This particular photo was edited in Adobe Camera Raw with a preset from a friend.
Email me if you want to discuss details!
A sippy cup is so practical! Hats off to Audrey!
My nephew has a lovey, the elephant in this set. Called Mr. Toodles, although now that we're talking, it's simply "Too Too."
Because Too Too was just getting too intense - I mean, if we went somewhere and Too Too wasn't with us, my sister and I turned into Parker Posey as Meg Swan in "Best in Show," frantically looking for anything that resembled Too Too. So for his first birthday, I bought Ed the whole set, including another elephant.
Didn't work. Too Too remains the one and only! Who gets washed once a week or he smells!
Oh, yes. The love of the sippy cup. Sippy cups are the new boobs.
Bubbie hasn't yet really had to have anything to sleep except the binky (which I might try to wean soon) but he does sleep with a little stuffed monkey. When he was sick one time the monkey (who we called Chubs) had to get washed more than once. Each time he came out of the dryer he was fluffed up more than the last, we now dubbed him Double Chubs. If he does become attached to Double Chubs I hope he will withstand more washings.
Reagan has two "Loveys"....The sippy cup and her PUP PUP (stuffed dog) We do not dare leave the house without these two things in tow.
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