Sunday, May 20, 2007

Today, I got up first.

Our Morning
I am not a morning person. On a normal day, I pretend to be comatose while Tim rises to Audrey's beckoning from the crib. She lays in bed with us, for all of about 10 minutes, until Tim gives in and gets up for the day.
Me? Yeah, I get about 20 more minutes of shut-eye before dragging myself to the bathroom for my 5 minutes of prep. Some days I don't even brush my hair! The horror! I'm such a slacker.
All of this history is to preface today's entry about how things were different this morning.

I got up first.

That's right. 364 days of the year Tim takes the lead. Today, he slept in and thanked me for it. He is golden. I should do this for him more often.


It wasn't so bad really- the getting up early. We got dressed, listened to some obnoxious children's music and headed downstairs to get the coffee a-brewin'. It's usually very quiet in the morning (because I'm such a crabby mccrabberson in the am and will complain if Tim walks too hard on the floor. I'm such a bitch!) Anyway, I'm not that considerate. (I love you, honey!) Blondie blared in the background whilst spatula flipped eggs and toddler chased dogs. In other words, we were freakin' loud. Tim didn't seem to mind.

He made his entrance half asleep. I think it was the smell of coffee that eventually lured him downstairs. As you can see in the video, he was headed straight for the coffee maker in true zombie fashion, before realizing Audrey was talking to him.

Good Morning, Sweet Pea! from my daily struggl on Vimeo

Once he had some joe, we all commenced in the living room (which we never do) and danced, danced, danced. Dancing and laughing at 8am? I don't voluntarily open my mouth to speak until about 9, on a normal day. And that's because I have to!
And another thing, I realized I've never been awake to notice that my husband dresses like an 80 year old man in the morning. Seriously. Moccasins? That alone can be considered a bonus to sleeping in. Other than that, I think I've been missing out on this morning thing. I'd consider it again. Especially since I think I make the better cup of java.
The day was complete with a trip to the park.
Not to mention, a great start set the tone for the day. It was perfect.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this.
And I love early mornings, you should give it a try.

They are also a good excuse for midday naps.

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have such a beautiful family!

9:36 AM  
Blogger OhTheJoys said...

80 year old men are the best!

(Not a morning person either. K gets up first always.)

9:42 AM  
Blogger emily said...

Adorable! I love mornings like that. I'm not a morning person at all, so it only happens like once a year.

Hey, at least your hubby dresses like an old man when he wakes up. My main squeeze tends to grab the first comfy clothing he sees, which is usually something of mine. Nothing like a little tank-top-midriff action in the morning!

10:12 AM  
Blogger Lalalian said...

Oh my goodness!!!

This is so wonderful.

My mornings consist of me fighting with snooze button and being serenaded by my cat yelling for me to get her breakfast...

8:08 AM  
Blogger Cara said...

I love to dance with my son in the morning and hear him do the "belly laugh".

You take the most awesome pictures!

7:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm so not a morning person either.

elijah watched audrey's video, like, 10 times in a row. he thought time was very funny. :)

11:07 AM  
Blogger Sara Baldwin said...

this was sublime.

1:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to drop a comment forever, because OTJ mentioned that you had some kickass pics. I love the blog. and I love the morning dance images.

9:01 PM  

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