She's a Natural
Now, if I can just keep her on the paper.
Within minutes of breaking out the crayons, she ran over to her basket of books and marked on Leonardo the Monster. I gasped. Luckily, I happened to accidentally grab the washable crayons from the Target display. Good thing because I have a feeling this child is going to want to tag my walls. I'd bet my morning coffee on it.
Tomorrow, I'm introducing Audrey to play-doh. Art overload!
I want to make sure she gets it all out of her system now, so she doesn't end up like us.
Pretty soon I'll have her sleeping with a calculator.
You bet your morning coffee on things?
That's insane.
I"m with Tony - betting coffee is risky business.
Well, that's how sure I am about it you two.
We had Trader Joe's coffee this morning...not bad. Not bad.
Audrey really looks like a little girl here, not a baby anymore. She is such a beautiful force of nature.
brooks, you wouldn't believe how she's grown.
call us the next time you're in town. i'd like to see you again soon.
Cute! Kitely and I painted this weekend and she very thoughtfully informed me she painted flowers, clouds, and swirls. These girls are much smarter that I was at 20 months, that's for sure.
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