Sunday, May 13, 2007

Audrey's Birthday Debut!

Happy Mother's Day!
Nothing. I mean nothing gives me more joy than- my husband, photography, children and most of all Audrey.
So, you can imagine my delight when I was lazily flipping through Popular Photography only to come across a half spread of Audrey Rose! (I knew they might publish it, but I didn't know if or when.) I think the entire front half of the book store might have heard me squeal, "Tim! Tim! It's in here! There she is!" Pretty freakin' cool. AND awesome Mother's Day gift.

Today, Audrey, you are two. Two. It still doesn't sound right, however many times I repeat it.
Two years ago today, my heart grew 73 times. It has continued to grow every time I see your smile or hear your laughter. Every time you hold my hand or grab onto my leg for security. Every time I hear you say, "Mommy!" or see tears run down your face. Every time you snuggle up to me or tickle my arm. Every time I listen to your soft breathing or watch your golden curls bounce in the wind. Every time I watch you and your father together. Every time I realize how fragile you are, how fragile life is.

Sometimes I feel as if it will explode, my heart.

It's scary to love something or someone so much. Some people fear it so much that they never want to make themselves vulnerable. Some people crave it so much that they set themselves up for disappointment. Some people grow numb to the feeling and lose appreciation. And some people soak up every little moment so they don't forget what it feels like. I'd like to think that I am the last one. I think that's why I've latched onto photography. Document, document, document. Her first tooth! Her first bike! Her first boo boo!
I know some of you might find it annoying. Me, I love it.

Being a mom is tops.
So, Happy Mother's Day out there, to all of you. Mom, you too!
We all have THE most important job.
Now, get out there and document it.

More Audrey update to follow.


Blogger rachel ~sesame ellis~ said...

This is the best. Thank you for writing this as I feel the same way.

10:49 PM  
Blogger Nicole said...

Congrats on the photo....that is awesome!

4:09 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

you and your beautiful family are such an inspiration to me. thank you so much for sharing! and I'm going out for a copy of that magazine as soon as possible! Happy Belated Mother's Day to you & birthday to Ms. Audrey

5:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wonderful!

Congrats on the photo publish!!


11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel the same way, but couldn't have said it so elegantly. Congrats on your publication!

1:31 PM  
Blogger Missy said...

congratulations on the photo - that's awesome, what a great picture...and you're such a good writer, too...damn, girl...:)

10:39 PM  
Blogger Beck said...

Happy Belated Birthday Audrey and a happy mothers day to you Angela. You are such an inspiration to me! Missed you over the last week and I can't wait to catch up. Much love, Beck

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember that photo! I still love it. Congrats on getting it published!

9:25 PM  

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