Saturday, May 26, 2007

Fingers Crossed.

Our fingers are crossed...
I know it's taboo to talk about these kinds of things before they manifest, but damn if I don't lose my mind over this.
I feel like I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I've never experienced this much uncertainty before.
Selling a house and buying a house, on the contigency that you'll actually sell your house, is one of the more stressful things I've ever done. I hate it.
It should be exciting. I want to be excited. However, I am the biggest worry wort you'll ever meet. I'm also a skeptic, a pessimist, and a complete freak when I'm stressed to the max.

Long story short:
About three weeks ago I found myself in an awkward situation. I was pulling out of our neighborhood to go pick up Audrey from day care. After pulling out onto the main road, I noticed this lady was literally on my ass. She must have been flying down the road. She proceeded to pass me on a double line. This being my hood, I honked my horn. She slammed on her brakes. I came inches from her bumper. That wasn't it.
She got out of her car.
She came up to my window bobbing her head and cussing me out the whole way. She stuck her head in my car and her airbrushed fingernail came so close to my eyeball I thought I might lose it. She said something about, "How dare you pull out in front of me...blah blah blah." I managed to get a "First of all, I didn't pull out in front of you. Maybe if you were going the speed limit...." before she cursed at me again. At that point, I said, "Get out of my face." and rolled the window up on her. She remained outside the car blabbering away.
Finally, I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.
(Okay, so that wasn't so short.)

Anyway, it wasn't until I recalled the event for Tim, minutes later, that I realized how affected I was by it. I started sobbing on the phone. All I could think about was, "This crazy woman could have pulled a gun on me. She didn't give a shit about me." and "What if Audrey had been in the car." and "What if I would have slammed into the back of her."

This was, officially, the last straw for me. When I got home, with Audrey, I stuck a For Sale By Owner sign in the front yard. It had felt good. I was confident then. I wasn't acutally considering the idea that someone might call on it. I never imagined we'd be signing a contract 2 weeks later. Again, I never thought we'd find the perfect house on our first day out. Let alone, put a bid on it!

Now, I'm so unsure. Everything is up in the air. I have no control. My world could possibly be about to change in a matter of weeks. Be careful what you wish for, right?

We wait. We hope. We keep our fingers crossed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, the way it has worked out it seems that it is meant to be. i'm so glad the situation did not turn out any worse than it was. scary to say the least. the universe conspires in mysterious ways sometimes to lead us where we need to go... good things are headed your way!

12:24 AM  
Blogger emily said...

I'm sending good vibes and crossed fingers that everything will work out with this house, dear.

I have heaps of respect for people that buy houses....I haven't gone down that path yet, but I'm sure when I do, I am sure my head will completely explode.

12:26 AM  
Blogger angela said...

karan- i hope from the very pit of my being that you are right.

emily- thanks for the good vibes. every little bit will help. when you finally do make that jump.....oh, doesn't it feel great. buying for the first time is so exciting. it's such a milestone.

12:44 AM  
Blogger Maigh said...

Kudos for trusting your instincts and for taking action.

Very frightening situation, so glad you and the wee one are OK. Don't forget to breathe, and to allow yourself to feel whatever you need to (scared, apprehensive) because it makes you human - a helluva lot more human than the monster that assaulted you.

Your strength and bravery are admirable.

Best wishes for speedy closings and an uneventful move.

7:14 AM  
Blogger OhTheJoys said...

This tiny town is ORGANIZED for the short people. You'll be amazed.

Plus - there's the ever pending opportunity to become friends with The House of Joy - oh the PLEASURE THAT AWAITS YOU!!! Heh.

3:32 PM  
Blogger Beck said...

Hee Hee... I just drove by the house. It's so great! And so close! Whoo Hoo!!!!! It even had the shed out back for Tim. We are crossing our fingers and toes! xoxo

8:52 PM  
Blogger angela said...

J- Well, that's the reason we're relocating. I'm looking forward to those crazy soccer moms and pony parties. Although, I realize I might be dubbed that eccentric artsy mom that dresses her kid in plaids and polka dots.

House of Joy or BUST!

Beck- Isn't it just the cutest? It's perfect. I know I'm jinxing it. The only storage space. We are so screwed.


11:10 PM  
Blogger angela said...

Oh, Maigh- THANK YOU!

11:11 PM  
Blogger jen said...

I'm sending happy closing thoughts your way. Call me, lady- I wanna know where your new place is and hear all about it! I feel so out of the loop.

8:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ang - Congrats on the new place and selling the old one.

But that story up there? That would scare *me*, and I wear tiaras. 'nuff said.

: )

And yay for being the artsy mom. Good on ya, I say.

12:55 AM  

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