Tuesday, December 05, 2006

What have I been up to?

Making Wishes
Man, how time flies.
I swear within the past two days about 4 or 5 people have asked me why I haven't blogged. I didn't realize you cared! No, really, I have no excuse.

So, since my last post, I turned 32. Tim and I had our 5th wedding anniversary. Audrey started talking in sentences. I found out I owed the hospital over a grand that I thought was taken care of by my insurance. (Merry Xmas everyone! I hope you like homemade cookies.) I got deathly ill and missed 4 days of work. We enjoyed a great Thanksgiving with friends and family. I'm sure there are several other events that are slipping my mind. I can always backtrack though, so, I figure I'll move on.

I feel very guilty about missing Audrey's 18 month update. I have been so good up until this now. Better late than never, right?

(Pretend it's November 13th)
The sushi was a no-go, but the rice was tasty.
For my birthday, we went out for sushi. I was hoping Audrey would willingly sink her teeth into some unagi, but it didn't happen.

My favorite thing about you is: This is a hard month to pick one favorite thing. You are constantly making me laugh. Well, that might be my favorite thing. You know how to make a joke now. You are very playful. You make a face like you are starting to get upset, but then quickly change to a smile or a laugh. That's another thing. You laugh so much! It's awesome. I guess my most favorite thing is how quickly you pick up on things now. For example, Lindsay sent me Maurice Sendak's pop up book for my B-day. I read it to you and immediately you understood that the boy was looking for his mommy. After reading it, you looked at me and playfully said, "MOOOOOMMMY?" Of course I chimed in, right on cue with, "BABY!" (I guess you kind of have to know the book to understand that.) Anyway, it also kills me how you say, "Oh, nuts!" Hee hee. That will never get old. Oh, and how could I forget your new quirk? Here it is:
Pullng Up Her Sleeves
Complete with the Audrey smile, she must have her sleeves pulled up. She is very particular about it. There are so many more things, but I guess I will just roll them over into the 19 month update. I have to get back into the swing of this blogging thing.
Oh one more that just came to me- I love that whenever we go outside you immediately look for the moon. You love to point to the moon. If the moon is not visible, you find a plane or a helicopter and shout it out so excitedly. If only we lived out in the country, you'd know what stars are.

The biggest relief would be: If you would stop pooping in the tub. I think we're up to 7 or 8 times now. YUCK. Maybe you are getting the tub mixed up with the big girl potty. They are not the same thing.
A Girl and Her Battleship.

What I’m most looking forward to is: being able to carry on conversation with you. I ask you, "How was school?" every day when I pick you up. A couple of days ago you answered, "Good." I nearly cried. I can't wait to hear what your thoughts are.

New words: I'm going to solicit Tim's help with this tomorrow. I can't even think about all of them right now.

Some of the funny things you've done lately: Just tonight I was reading a book to you. You spotted a perfectly illustrated slice of pizza on one of the pages. You pointed and screamed, "PISSSSA!" You must have repeated it 30 times. I decided right then that when your dad got home we were headed for Mellow Mushroom. The waiter cracked up when he saw you jumping up and down in the booth saying, "PISSA! PISSA! PISSA!" as he was bringing out the pie. I think you made him feel very special tonight.
Sock Baby!
It's 1am and I could keep typing, but I really need to get to bed. I will dedicate more time and thought to the next entry. Promise.
Nanabee, I hope this will do for now.

Oh, one more thing. She finally decided that milk wasn't so bad:
Got Milk?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

about friggin time woman!! every day i searched hoping to read about you audrey and tim! oh happy day today! :)
we really need to talk about the wedding!!!
i'm glad you're feeling better!!

9:06 PM  
Blogger angela said...

beck- please do. we want to see you! i like gar's new icon for myspace or friendster, i forget which. funny!

rach- we need to start planning, er, um YOU DO! call us.

12:22 AM  
Blogger Lalalian said...


You're back {:->

7:55 AM  
Blogger Smoov said...

Oh it is the greatest when they can start to really tell you what they are thinking! But then sometimes, you wish they would stop talking.

12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi there....my name is Penny....I got to you here through flickr and I just wanted to let you know that I am so enjoying your blog..... don't read too many, but I really loved your pictures and the descriptions....I am sitting here with tears on my face remembering all of these things with my baby....EMILY Rose....there are many similarities. She is almost 11 now and it just seems like yesterday when we were doing all of the things you are now....anyway I just wanted to let you know how sweet and adorable your family is and I have been loving reading your blog....I have added you as a contact on flickr....my name is pbrat there... I hope you have a great day and enjoy that Audrey Rose...she is so very beautiful and precious...it goes by so fast, cherish her....it changes but it's still great!!!!

6:15 PM  

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