Friday, October 06, 2006

It was only a matter of time.

a baby so hungry, she might actually eat her own hand.

It was only a matter of time before Audrey ate dog food.

Today, we came home and let the dogs out the back door, as usual. I started cutting up bananas and strawberries for Audrey's snack, as usual. Audrey was playing in the kitchen with her wagon and several Elmo books, as usual....or so I thought.
I looked up from the sink to find that she had opened the large tub that we keep the dog food in. She was picking up pieces, one by one, and putting them in the dogs' bowls. I told her, "Good job! You're feeding the dogs for Momma?"

She continued to painstakingly 'fill' their bowls while I loaded the dishwasher. I looked back up from my work and saw that she had gingerly, with just her thumb and forefinger, placed a piece of dog food in her mouth. I waited a minute. I know, I'm horrible. I just wanted to see if she liked it or not!

She didn't. She took it out and shivered a little. I grabbed it out of her hand and said, "That is NOT baby food. That is doggie food. Yuk!"

I guess I shouldn't have made her wait so long for her snack.

BTW- 10,167 visits to my blog! Thank you. (I see that the 5 of you have visited my blog from 2,000 different computers.) Anyway, even if it's just the 5 of your reading, I still appreciate it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

E prefers the cat food.

7:57 PM  
Blogger angela said...

bite-sized. cat food and coffee, eh?

10:10 PM  
Blogger mzmullerz said...

breakfast of champions. ;)

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

angela - i discovered your blog through flickr, and i love it so much.

and this post is hilarious.

laura madden

4:07 PM  

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