Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Brainstorming for the 13th

i could stare at those all day and all day tomorrow and all day the next day...
Tooth number six broke through.
She giggles madly for no apparent reason.
Kicking is fierce while diaper changing.
Animal sounds are so "in".
(I wish I had a microphone. I would record her bear sound. It's the best.) RAWR!
The Itsy Bitsy Spider book must be read 100 times before bed.
(Sometimes The Wheels on the Bus is substituted.)
She doesn't go down easily anymore. It's Hell, trying to put her to sleep.
She has mastered the art of whining.

I get upset with her sometimes because she does the wet noodle. There's nothing I hate more than a kid that goes limp while throwing a fit. My worst fear has come true. She's a tantrum thrower.

She sits on the floor if she doesn't want to do something. Then, when we try to pick her up, she throws her head back in agony (while screaming) and raises her arms straight up into the air, making it hard to hold her. Sometimes it's funny. Most times it's annoying.

All is forgiven though, when she looks up at me with those big brown eyes and says, "Momma!Momma!" I can't stay mad at her long.

I am definitely the push-over of the family.


Blogger angela said...

You should have seen Garo reading to her. It was super cute.

5:10 PM  
Blogger jen said...

She is such a lovely little gal- just like her mommy!

5:31 PM  
Blogger Brooks Brown said...

My gosh Waddy, she looks SO MUCH like you. Those eyes are just gorgeous and they are just like yours!

5:24 AM  
Blogger cranky said...

hey yar I don't know if you get notified about comments posted under old entried, but I just wrote bout your daughter's hair (25.09) Hang on, you do that crazy backwards date thing over there, don't you? Um...25th September entry!

9:49 AM  

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