10.5 Months

So, I typed out this long blog post at work. Shhh! Somehow my draft didn't save correctly. I love you, but I'm not typing all that out again. Sorry. It was quite boring anyway. (Well, except for the part where I tell you about the poopy diaper that I left in my purse for 24 hours.)
Yeah, looked everywhere for the source of the poop smell: shoes, shirt, you know the drill. My purse. It was a delightful discovery.
Anyway, Harper had her shots the other day and she's right on track as far as the growth thing goes. 75th % for height and 50% for weight.
Harper, honey, you are a square. And you have a super cute little bow-legged walk at the moment. Your happy face (see above) doesn't look at all that happy to some, but mom and dad know that you are thrilled when you contort your face like this.
You are starting to eat interesting foods for an 10 month old: spicy black beans, cucumbers and strawberries. I think I might give you a peanut butter sandwich soon. I swear. It's like you're two already.
You are beginning to climb up on things. Stop it. Stop it right now. I will put double-sided tape on the bottom of your feet if you don't listen to mommy. I mean it.
Hearing you say your own name ranks right up there with "I love you." (Which you haven't said yet.) But "Hah!...Pah!!!" is doing the trick for me anyway. So, I'll cut you some slack.
You are getting more and more independent. I love it. I can actually put you down and forget about you for a whole 10 minutes.
I love you Ta-Ta.

And I am going to enjoy this time now, before you and your sister start conspiring against your parents. You two are incredibly silly and mischievous when you get together.

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