One of A Kind
Harper, in a week and a half you're turning one.
This blows my mind.
Time is flying by at lightning speed and I feel like you just skipped your babyhood (if that's even a word). In my mind, you never acted much like a baby anyway. Nonetheless, it's sad that this stage is almost over.
You've rushed through every milestone. You are in such a hurry to catch up with your big sister. It's obvious.
You have such a strong will. A very strong will. And you are into e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.
I had no idea the extent to which you pay attention to your surroundings. It seems as if you always have your head down, watching your little fat feet race across the room or trying to quickly open drawers and doors before I catch up to you. You must be watching me out of the corner of your eye though because just the other day, you picked up Mama's phone, flipped it open and said, "Hello!"
I was floored. Wha? How? When? Just who do you think you are? You're not even one!
You darted toward the CD tower and just when you pulled out two and I simultaneously warned, "Eh!Eh!" you put them back. You put them back!&@!! and smiled.
You also attempt to dress yourself. You haven't mastered the getting your head inside the shirt part, but you've got the right motion down. You can already ride the Corn Popper around the room like a pro. You've started pointing to things and that, by far, is the cutest thing of all right now. That, and your little tiny voice. Oh, and the bear hugs you give me when I pick you up from school. No wait, maybe it's the kissy face and sound that goes along with it. That reminds me: I must record your laugh before it changes again.
You are something else. That's what everyone says about you.
It's so true.
I'm gearing up to make a birthday cake for you. The traditional Cake vs. Face theme is in total effect. Don't let me down. I have a feeling the cake will win this year. I want to see Face covered in Cake. That's the way it should be.
If you're reading this and want to come help us celebrate...come on out! The invites have yet to be mailed. Everyone's welcome!
Seriously. I can't believe she'll be one.
oh my goodness..she cannot be 1 just yet, she really does seem like something special..
what a great ivitation card, if i lived closer i would definitaly come ;)
Happy 1st birthday Harper jane!
Happy Birthday, kiddo. You are certainly one of a kind!
we'll be there!
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