Her First Performance

Audrey, I've been proud of you before but never as proud as I was during your recital.
It had nothing to do with ballet and everything to do with your tenacity and drive. You are a force. A delightful, positive, inspiring and moving force.
I knew you were proud of yourself as well. I could see it in your expression as you warmed up your engine and took off as an airplane and as you marched in a circle with a very serious and determined step. You put on a masterful performance. I could not stop smiling or exchanging glances with the grandparents.

I know it must have felt as if all eyes were on you. And I apologize for taking way too many pictures and tearing up just a little as I watched. I was a little embarrassed at being One of Those Moms but I couldn't help it! You were ridiculously cute.
As I was standing there, taking it all in I found myself realizing that this was/is the beginning of a new era: The "That's MY kid!" Era. I found myself fast-forwarding to the future- the first time swimming underwater, the first day of kindergarten, the first time riding a bike unassisted, the small moments, the monumental moments, the realizations and revelations that you'll have, the all too fleeting moments that make us, well, that make us, us.
I love watching you grow.

I have to wonder how many of these childhood moments you'll remember. I wonder if your recital will stick with you, always.
I know it will stick with me.
You're growing up. Part of me wants to slow you down, but the smarter part of me wants to sit back and enjoy the ride.... every. single. sweet. sweet. second.
And I know we must be doing something right. I know this because I witnessed you graciously hand over your beautiful bouquet of roses to your instructor. What a shockingly selfless thing to do at your age. I was touched. I'm sure Ms. Jessica was, as well.
You are amazing.

And for the record, you were right. You did have the best leap, ever.

Yay Audrey!
I am glad that you to take so many pictures so that we can experience along with you. And these are gorgeous.
Also, 3 posts in one month? Wowsa!
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