Monday, June 18, 2007

3 More Days

Dual demonstration of the inherent nostril flare.
Three more days until we move.
It's happening again.
I'm freaking out.

But, I'm not going to talk about it anymore.

Things are starting to look bare around here. Our voices are echoing louder now that the walls have been stripped. And if I bump into another box tower in the morning I am going to scream. I just want them all out. I can't stand the clutter and I hate the anticipation. I want it done. As soon as we get the keys to the new house I'm taking over a load of boxes.

I wish we had enough money to hire movers. Ah, the joys of being rich....

I'm having dreams of decorating the new place. It's always fun to decorate. It'll be interesting to see what our new style ends up being. Mod will have to go. I just don't know what the replacement will be.

Every day I ask Audrey if she wants to move into a new house. "Yes" is always the answer. That's good. I don't know how else to prepare her except talk about it a little bit each day.
We've decided to let her say goodbye to the old house before we move out and have the new house somewhat put together before she arrives. Most of her room is already packed away. I just don't want her to see it completely empty.

Plus, I don't want her around when I burst into tears because everything, suddenly, becomes so real.


Blogger Angie said...

I wish we had the opportunity to move. Since my husband works for Ford it never seems to be a good time to move.

Congrats and good luck on this new chapter of your family life.

8:32 PM  
Blogger cranky said...

Ah, chick, it's pointless writing this, but kids take anything in their stride! I moved when I was Audrey's age, and my parents made no big deal out of it, so I shrugged and didn't either.


When we moved again, and my brother was about 3, he kept crying "I want to go home! When are we going HOME!!!!" My mother felt guilt. My mother felt her heart break with every cry. Finally after 2 weeks she sat him down and asked "WHY?"

You know what the answer was?

"There's no dirt to play in here!" (Our old place had a long dirt driveway - we lived in the sticks)

My parents got him a sandpit that afternoon and he never wanted to go home again. It was just the missing dirt.

9:40 AM  
Blogger BOSSY said...

The people make the home, not the four walls. Now pardon Bossy while she shakes the Hallmark off of her typing hand.

10:41 AM  
Blogger JoeinVegas said...

But new - think of all the changes coming - isn't the opportunity to make changes wwy you are moving?

11:16 AM  
Blogger rachel ~sesame ellis~ said...

I am thinking about you! Hope it all goes well and that you are settled soon!

1:38 PM  
Blogger Misty said...

I wish I lived closer. I LOVE packing. I LOVE unpacking even more. I leach myself onto friends who are moving... It's sick :) When we move, I pack us up in 2-3 days and we are unpacked with a house that's put together, in less than a day. I am really focussed and anal like that.
It's a good resource in times like this.
that being said though, I love decorating a new home and am envious of your opportunity to do so!

2:12 PM  
Blogger OhTheJoys said...

You're doing the friend move? I would offer to help, but K is going out of town and LEAVING ME with the two short people for the WHOLE WEEKEND. Talk about freaking out!

3:41 PM  
Blogger Beck said...

It's very exciting, albeit a bit scary. However, if Friday night was any indication of the fun times ahead in the new 'hood then I would just worry about doing vocal exercises.... red leather, yellow leather, red leather, yellow leather....

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohhhh, i'm excited for you. it will be fantastic because you guys are fantastic. and that's what makes a house a home.

*joins Bossy in shaking off the Hallmark*

(i'm serious. it will be fine!)

11:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It feels much better when you are out of the old. I sat in our empty old house just crying and crying... and my husband gently picked me up and got me over to the new... and as much as I hated to admit it "out of sight, out of mind" really, really helped.

10:30 AM  
Blogger Mom O Matic said...

Just found you via Oh The Joys, I love your photos!

7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as I write this, you're probably in your new home. Congratulations!

I meant to write something earlier but was chanting the Louise Eldrich advice as a mantra to get through a couple of days.

9:27 PM  

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