Friday, June 04, 2010

Harper Jane is turning two this weekend!

Finally seeing past her nose. Wide open spaces remind us of opportunity.
And I won't be around for it.
I'm off to Glen-Ella Springs Inn to shoot a wedding and will miss my baby's second birthday.
I feel so guilty!
I'll make it up to you sweetie, with a longer post and a birthday celebration next weekend.
nothin' but trouble
It's Timmy's birthday too, you know! (But we don't ever call it that anymore. Poor Tim. He's lost his birthday.... forever.)
b e a c h      .     e n v y
Some funny things Tati is doing:
-Calling me Angela or Mom but not Mommy. (I'm sad about this.)
-Saying, "Stop it Dude" to her dad when he tickles her too much. (Laughter is mixed in which ups the cute factor.)
-Giving extra long kisses with a very loud "Muwah!" at the end.
-Saying "I like this song" to every single song she hears.
-Ending all of her requests with 'for a minute'. Example: "Mom rock you (me) for a minute.", "I gonna watch Yo Gabba Gabba for a minute." (Wonder where she got that one from, huh?)
-Using the potty to "toot" but nothing else. She always announces her toots, too.
-Spitting. (Which isn't very funny to me but Tim says he will not have a daughter that doesn't know how to spit.) !!!???!!!
-Stopping suddenly in the middle of an activity to run over, give me a hug and say, "I love you."

There's so much more! I love this kid! She's so unique... and smart.
I'm really sorry I'll miss your birthday, Harpy Girl. I love you.
love to feel her little fingers squeeze my hand s t r u t

d i s c o v e r y


Blogger hakeber said...

Aww, happy birthday to HJ! And enjoy Glen-Ella... the hubs and I were married there almost 4 years ago!

8:45 AM  

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