Thursday, May 13, 2010


I'm only about half way through editing this session but I just have to share! Is this kid camera candy, or what?
Holy cuteness! My camera loves him.

And if you've ever been to my website, you'll see him as a newborn in the first shot that comes up. My, how he's grown!

Tracy has a million cool vintage things in her house. When I visit, it's hard for me to contain my excitement over her super awesome collections and paintings. There's one photo in the session that I cannot wait to edit but I'm saving the best for last! You won't get to see that one until later.

Oh, and the flag banner idea for Audrey's party? Totally duped it from Tracy. Her multi-talented husband slapped one together for the shoot in a matter of minutes. That family is the bees knees.




Blogger Mindy said...

He is so round! Cutie batootie for sure.

5:30 PM  
Anonymous handmadecharlotte said...

sooooooo cute! i want to see more!!!

12:50 PM  

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