Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Some Kids Win You Over Right Away

I am intrigued by Autism. I am even more intrigued by people that do not engage with children or are scared and tend ignore children with Autism. It's just a label folks. Take that label away and you have just a kid.

All kids are approachable and responsive if you find a way in. Children with Autism are a little more sensitive, a little more apprehensive about socializing and a little more passionate about specific things.
I'm no expert on Autism, but like I said I'm definitely intrigued by it. I'm curious as to why more males are stricken with it, why there are more diagnoses today (a lot more) and how many several different spin-offs of Autism exist: Hyperlexia, Pervasive Developmental Disorder and Asbergers Syndrome just to name a few. The spectrum is so broad the signs so vague in some instances. For example, sometimes these disorders are defined by a passion for a certain things to the point of being obsessive about it- dinosaurs, trains or numbers or anything really but why do some children become obsessed and passionate about one thing and not another? Also the physical characteristics- funny finger movements/folding or hand flapping, toe-walking... what causes that behavior? Some children are described as having learning disorders but then others can be savants and have an incredible understanding of language and even know how to read very early on. Oh, and the eating habits! One Autistic adult divulged that he loves to eat whole onions like they're apples. One parent said her child's therapist told her that it usually takes introducing a new food 100 times before a kid with Autism will try it. 100 times! How can the spectrum be so wide in regards to the symptoms? I find it all so very interesting. The most perplexing though is, why does it affect mostly males? 4 times more males than females.

Sigh. The brain, our bodies, our coping mechanisms... all so very interesting.

Maybe I should've been a neurologist.

With that being said, I was a little terrified to meet my client. I was gently forewarned several times before going on this shoot that he might not be receptive to me. He might not want to have his picture taken. He might not let me take his picture at all.

There's always a way in folks. And had I not been clued-in.... I never would've known of his disorder. I never would have suspected. Not social? We talked the entire time I was there. Not responsive? Hey, I got smiles. I got lots of smiles, even some laughs.

I did have a tip though, and I brought a sticker book for back up.

I didn't need it.
But it did make a nice parting gift.


Anonymous tracy flaming said...

great post, angela. and as usual, phenomenal photos.

10:51 PM  
Blogger HeatherWassing said...

Okay, how do you get your grass so healthy-looking? No matter what, my lawn shots are filled with dead grass!

Beautiful pictures plus a knack for story telling. I love peeking in at your blog.

11:01 PM  
Blogger L said...

hi there. don't remember how i came across your blog but I wanted to tell you that I too am intrigued with Autism. I worked for a family in their home for a few years with their 2 sons who have autism every day after school and 5 days a week in the summer. I learned SO MUCH. but still so much to know/learn. one very important thing to remember is PERSON FIRST language. like you said take away the label and its just a kid. Many adults who have Autism say they don't want to be called 'autistic' they want to be called a person who HAS autism. Just wanted to pass that on. Have you read anything on Temple Grandin..if not...go to your library and dive in. You'll like it!

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was an interesting blog post. I have the same questions you have about Autism. My brother is in a class for children on the Autism spectrum and the children are very intelligent but have problems socializing. I have also observed the fact that it affects more males, in my brother's class there are seven boys and only one girl.

4:02 PM  
Blogger medz said...

i just passed by in this site,i'm quite interested in your blog. I really care kids having that disorder,I have a cousin who has the same disorder,actually more than the expected.like he's so unpredictable in all his doing,and I'm aware of that.

4:46 AM  

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