I'm slowly learning....
Welcome to the new blog! I discovered that LiveJournal won't let you use JavaScript or anything cool- even if you're a paid member. So, here I am. Thanks Brooks.
This html stuff is pretty cool once you get the hang of it. (It only took me 3 hours to get this blog set up.) AND I finally figured out how to customize it somewhat (see the links and the flickr badge at bottom right). I'm getting there. Computer nerds, watch out!
Today, it happened. Audrey laughed. A true hearty laugh. It was right after she woke up. I had just finished changing her diaper and with my silly face said, "Now, momma gonna getchu" while pretending to eat her neck. I was nestled in there pretty deep when she squealed and giggled. I almost cried, but didn't have time to because I went in again, on the other side. I got one more laugh and no more. Ahh! It's like heroine! (Not that I've ever done that, but I can imagine it's like heroine.) I'm shooting up again tomorrow morning, I hope.
We met Suzanne and Phillip at the Brickstore again. I think it will become our Friday ritual. Bea and David joined us this time. They have a daughter named Ellie who is just now 2 months old. You can view all of the silly photos by clicking on the aforementioned Flickr link. Phillip also posted his pictures on the Kitely Mae Blog. There are several shots of all three babies in hats. I won't go into it, but in short, Suzanne gave all of the girls gangsta names, so she told everyone to bring a gangsta hat for a picture (and you see- we took a gazillion). Instead of getting drunk and making an ass of myself, now I just make an ass out of my baby. Hopefully she'll forgive me.
This html stuff is pretty cool once you get the hang of it. (It only took me 3 hours to get this blog set up.) AND I finally figured out how to customize it somewhat (see the links and the flickr badge at bottom right). I'm getting there. Computer nerds, watch out!
Today, it happened. Audrey laughed. A true hearty laugh. It was right after she woke up. I had just finished changing her diaper and with my silly face said, "Now, momma gonna getchu" while pretending to eat her neck. I was nestled in there pretty deep when she squealed and giggled. I almost cried, but didn't have time to because I went in again, on the other side. I got one more laugh and no more. Ahh! It's like heroine! (Not that I've ever done that, but I can imagine it's like heroine.) I'm shooting up again tomorrow morning, I hope.
We met Suzanne and Phillip at the Brickstore again. I think it will become our Friday ritual. Bea and David joined us this time. They have a daughter named Ellie who is just now 2 months old. You can view all of the silly photos by clicking on the aforementioned Flickr link. Phillip also posted his pictures on the Kitely Mae Blog. There are several shots of all three babies in hats. I won't go into it, but in short, Suzanne gave all of the girls gangsta names, so she told everyone to bring a gangsta hat for a picture (and you see- we took a gazillion). Instead of getting drunk and making an ass of myself, now I just make an ass out of my baby. Hopefully she'll forgive me.
those pictures of the babies in their hats are hilarious! audrey was gettin' might pissed there at one point. those babies looked crunked out on formula -- if that what was in their bottles.
congrats on the first laugh. you should try to catch it on video/audio to share it with the digital masses. what about me coming over there in the next month? you never replied back lady.
YES! We would love for you to come visit! I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you... I've been working and it's been crazy. Just let me know a week ahead of time so that I can get those nights off of work. Bring it on!
That photo is my favorite too. What kind of face IS that? I love it. I'm so excited about our Friday night ritual. What did we decide on for next week?
Oh, and I thought that was intentional! : )
I'm looking forward to Friday. By the way, I love games.
very cool that you and so many of your friends have babies around the same age. the pictures of them crying in their hats is great.
There is a "Baby Trend", as Tim likes to call it. Seriously, eveyone hit 30 and started reproducing. I am in awe.
So, does that mean I actually have to give birth to this baby before you'll hang out with us again?
I am kidding, but we do miss you guys. It's been too long! I'm dangling your shower hostess gift as a carrot for you guys to hang out with us.
No, it just means that once you have that baby you can join our baby group! It's quite exclusive.
All kidding aside, we need to make plans to do something soon. I'll give you a ring-a-ding.
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